100% scratchbuild 1/48 lancaster

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well i'll tell you something you are braver than me to scratch build a 48th lanc', on your under carriage legs which retract up will you be attaching wheels covers which will also close at the same time ?

how far have you got now?

i once did a vac' form 1/48 avro lincoln by sanger, god never again hardest thing ever.


At last I am determined on last week to embark on another one, with normal or large bomb bay doors. Sequence pics shows how I make rivet heads on the model with thin plastic sheet which was also heat-formed.


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I got it from a company called G-George resides in one of the toolboxes on my working table.

How to use;
1) heat press or form a thin PET plastic sheet on the original mold or model.
2) draw rivet lines on the original model
3) apply a very thin coat of plastic primer mixed with grey lacquer
4) put the formed sheet onto the model
5) trace the rivet lines on the sheet with a pencil
6) use the rivet tool from the backside of the sheet

Benefit of using this tool on PET plastic sheet is that you can also reprodute wavinesses of the aircraft's skin.


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Would somebody build a 1/32 Douglas Dauntress with mushroom head rivets all over. That should be a decisive factor to reproduce a formidable bomber enough to sink our carriers.

In that case I will provide ALL the information the builder requires.
hi ppopsie,
with all those rivets to do its the sort of thing you would do in jail to pass the time on, your not in jail are you ?

i couldn't have the patience to do all those rivets

.... ian.
Sure enough I am in a jail called Aviation for more than 30 years, which I do not want to get out from!!

THX Ppopsie.Very interesting tool.How much time does it take to make riveting for a wing for instance?
It took me two days to work on the fuselage, about eight hours inclusive. I would say I can finish skinning on an upper wing panel in 1/2 hour for just riveting.


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Don't mention it. Its no great thing.

I cut both wing tips from wooden mold because wing molds were no longer needed. Also building up of the wing tips from scratch was not a simple job.

Black part seen on the wing tips are superglued carbon filaments (rovings). I used CFRP material elsewhere on my Lanc to give more strenghs and tiffnesses. In this CFRP can be superglued quite nicely.

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