352nd Fighter Group "Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney" Build

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Right, the thing is at the end of this month I start work for only a few days out of the week. That's when I get most of my money. Right now I think I have enough for interior green, and the spray paint colors:oops:
No problem H, as Herr Doktor Professor Commander Bonski Wojtek would say, it's not a race. Put it to one side and get on with other jobs, such as cleaning-up seams on the gear legs or whatever, or preparing another kit. The time will fly by. Heck, we're more than half way through the Cold War GB already, and half way through the year! Tempus don't half Fugit !!
Your right :lol:

But if I want to achieve a more accurate look then I shouldn't

There was blue overspray on the prop on the actual plane, I'm wondering if other could appreciate that or it'd look sloppy...
If it were me, I'd airbrush the white and brush paint the black but in the end, it's what you want to do that counts. And that goes for the blue overspray as well. If you're concerned about what others think, you could always display a print of the picture next to your model. IIRC, Terry's PR Mustang featured the white nose overspray o the props as well.

Such choices!
Oh my gear doors were great, its the one time i was 100% happy with what I did. I think I'll airbrush the white and brush paint the black.

I'm doing all the Mustangs (3 of them! :shock:) first and then get my hands on the eagle strike decals. The Eaglecals booklet has markings for 4 aircraft but complete sets of roundels for 3. I'll steal some extra mustang decals. All sanding and filling is done I believe. It all looks great. I went from 150 grit sandpaper and worked my way up and polished it with felt. The forward canopy was dipped in clear and I'm going to mask it and attach it later.

I've decided to display the aircraft as it'd look in late June 1944 with FULL invasion stripes. Also I need to shorten the "P" on the tail of the airplane. Eaglecals gave me a P with a longer staff. The longer Staff P was only added after the July 4th to remove the Black identification bars on the tail and the upper wing, upper tailplane, and upper fuselage surfaces. This will be displayed with 17 victory marks on the nose and Preddy's name decal will NOT be added to the canopy since that wasn't added till late July.

I'm calling down to the hobby shop to set my paint colors aside as I type this. My dad works right next to the shop and during his lunch break can walk over and pick the stuff up.
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hehe 352nd FG is my forte. The Eaglecals booklet gives some great info but some o the dates are a bit screwy so I had to do a bit more research.

Ah yes forgot to mention tailwheels fixed.
Anytime my friend! Might get another two Mustangs later, to continue the Mustangmania....quite fancy doing 357th Anderson's 'Old Crow' and Peterson's 'Hurry Home Honey', but the 'Just Hanging Around' from the 78th pokes my interest too!

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