Aawwhhh...Happy B-Day Les

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Glock Perfection
Apr 12, 2005
Washington State
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits, buddy.

42. Kinda like 20 but with a bit more baggage, eh. Cheers.


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Njaco. That's touching. However, I don't wish to be outdone.

So just for you, Les... my demonstration that I do give $hit.


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Have a good one Dan! And no worries - no matter how old you get, you'll still always be older than me :)
So Less name is Dan and he is born on April 1st...Happy Birthday mate, we share a name and a birthday!Best wishes and may all your dreams come true! :occasion4:
Happy Birthday Dan !!!!!!

100 lat, 100 lat, 100 lat. !!!!!!! :occasion5:
Thanks alot u fu*ktards.... Am I really 42??? I thought I was 28....

Dammit, I guess its true the first thing that goes is ur memory....

Very cool Konig/Dan, the world needs more Aries....

My birthday present from the wife was an Official Autographed Bobby Nystrom Hockey Puck in a nice glass case.... Freakin awesome gift if I do say so myself....

Thanks again u pricks, its nice to feel harrasssed once in awhile...

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