Academy 1/72 B-17E "Old 666" 43rd Bomb Group 1943

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Of course but it always breaks. I kept a bunch of left over trees from some of my other models to use for just that but... I figured it was just cheap plastic

I actually had the exact same problem using the sprue from Heller (2 x old) Mirage (2 x new) kits, but the Revell and Monogram kits were fine. I don't think it's cheap plastic per say, but just different plastic.

Awesome work on the plane though!

I don't think fuse wire is available in the US. I had an Uncle that was an electrician who talked about that at one time.
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Looking at the work the next day I think I should have taken the time to use the air brush to paint the framework. It looks klunky and goopy. Maybe I'll use it when I do the other side. The reality is that is will never be seen but it is driving me nuts.
I've been making a little progress not much and a lot of re-doing of parts already done. Spending most of my time trying to find information on the web and reaching out to the experts (Terry) for the correct info. It can be frustrating but in the end it will be time will spent. No one will see it but at least I'll know its done right (well almost)
Ok guys I'm finally back with some progress to share. After looking at several B-17 books and numerous photos online I found another detail I wanted to add. What I found was that the model came with center bomb racks flanking the catwalk. What it doesn't have were the bomb racks attached to the fuselage. These I had to scratch build.

Next I had to make some adjustments to the interior color of the aircraft. What I hadn't realized the first time around was that the bombay was not interior green. With a lot of poking around on the Internet and talking to people with infinitely more knowledge then me was that the fuselage was commonly left bare metal like the waist gunners area. The bulkheads and the inside of the bombay doors were green zinc chromite. Also you can see I finished the frame work in the waist and nose of the both fuselage halves.

Here is the rest of the bombay area. After a lot of trial and error I found what I feel is a somewhat believable plywood. I first painted what is suppose to be wood with tan and let it dry. Later I came back with some brown and left it streaky allowing the tan to show through in places. Not perfect but not bad IMHO.

here we have the right fuselage with the assemblies in place.

Well that's it for now. After looking at the photos I noticed something I had forgotten to do and that is wash the Bombay bulkheads. Its late so I will address that tomorrow. Thanks for looking.

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