Accurate Miniatures Yak 1b - 1/48

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Working out some details

The machine gun barrel shroud is painted

As is the exhaust stack

Nav lights are installed

Tail wheel and doors are installed

Finally I started working on the antenna, two 2lb pund test fish lines are going into a tube made of a plastic q-tip stretched like sprue, one of the lines comes out and is glued onto the mast...
Just a few touch-ups and its ready for the photo shoot.... I may just finish in less then a year

Handle in the canopy frame complete

Still need to figure out how to take a better pictures of the prop, the weathering is washed out

Landing gear, doors, wheels, break lines and antenna are installed. Still need to tighten the antenna and last but not least, remove the canopy masks....
Thanks all, as the old saying goes "better is the enemy of good" as such, in the process of adding some finishing touches I messed up a few things that need to be corrected, nothing major, I just need one more evening and she will be ready for the photo shoot, keeping fingers crossed for this weekend.

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