Ace brothers

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Apr 11, 2005
South East Queensland
Most Aussies here will be familiar with the Jackson brothers who flew with the RAAF in WWII. Their story fascinates me because both would become aces and also serve in the same squadron!
John Jackson was born in 1908 and was a member of the Citizen's Air Force before the war. After war was declared he was called up and commissioned to PO in 1939. In December 1940 he was posted to 3 sqn in the middle East where he flew Gladiators and then Hurricanes. During the Libyan Campaign he shot down 3 Ju 87's whilst flying Hurricanes. The sqn then converted to Tomahawks where he shot down a Potez 63 and a Dewoitine 520 during the Syrian Campaign. John received a DFC and was sent back to Australia where he took command of the newly formed 75 sqn flying P-40's.

Les Jackson was born in 1917 and was John's younger brother. Les joined the RAAF in 1939 and was commisioned to PO in 1940. He was first posted to 12sqn, then 23sqn followed by 21sqn in Malaya. Les was posted back to Australia when war against Japan had started. In March 1942 Les was posted to 75 sqn under the command of John when the unit deployed to Port Moresby in New Guinea.

The day after 75sqn arrived, John led an attack on Lae airfield where the P-40's destroyed 12 a/c and damaged 5 more. On the 24th of March, Les scored his first kill when he shot down a Zero over port Moresby. On April the 4th, John was shot down by AA fire and ditched onto a coral reef, he was dropped a life jacket by his brother Les. Eventually John made it back to safety. The next day Les shot down his second Zero. On the 10th John was again shot down and ditched. He swam back to shore and made it through the jungle to reach Moresby during an air raid where a Japanese bullet took off the tip of his right index finger.
On the 17th Les claimed his third Zero followed by a fourth on the 18th. On the 28th tragidy struck when John Jackson, CO of 75 sqn was shot down and killed. John's replacement as CO was none other than his brother Les.

After 44 days of intense action, 75sqn, which was the only allied fighter squadron in New Guinea was sent back to Australia with 1 servicable P-40. Under Les's command the sqn reformed and went back to New Guinea in August to take part in the historic Battle Of Milne Bay. On the 27th of August Les shot down his fifth zero becoming an ace himself. The next day he crash landed and made it back to base on foot three days later. After the battle of Milne Bay, Les was awarded the DFC. During 1943 he was in command of 78 (P-40) wing until the end of 1944. Early in '45 he received a bar to his DFC and was made CFI of 8 OTU before taking Command of Air Defence HQ.

John Jackson is credited with 8 possibly 9 kills and Jackson Airport in Port Moresby is named in his honour, while Les is credited with 5 destroyed enemy aircraft. Truely a remarkable story IMO of two gallent brothers. Does anyone know of any other brothers that became aces?
Boris and Dmitriy Glinka.
Wilhelm-Ferdinand, Adolf and Paul Galland.
I was sure that at least one of Hermann Graf's brothers aced, but I can't find it on the net and can't be bothered to get up and thumb thru my books... probably wrong, anyway
Hi Wildcat, i have an interest in this story as the Jackson brothers were my fathers second cousins. I am currently building a 1/72 academy model of a P40 and would like to complete it Johns markings. I think it was A29-8 with the letter I. I have been unable to find any photos though to compare with. If you can think of any it would be great if you could point me in the right direction. Cheers.
Paaln mentioned the Galland brothers, here are a few more details:


Wilhelm-Ferdinand "Wutz" Galland (born 23 October 1914 in Bochum – killed in action 17 August 1943) was a German Luftwaffe fighter ace and recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. He is credited with 55 aerial victories in achieved in 186 combat missions. All his victories were claimed over the Western Front and included seven four-engine bombers and 37 Supermarine Spitfires.


Paul Galland (November 1919[1]—31 October 1942) was a German Luftwaffe ace and brother of Luftwaffe aces Adolf Galland and Wilhelm-Ferdinand Galland. He claimed 17 aerial victories in 107 combat missions. On 31 October 1942 he was shot down and killed by a RAF Supermarine Spitfire.[2]


Adolf "Dolfo" Joseph Ferdinand Galland (19 March 1912 – 9 February 1996)[2] was a German Luftwaffe General and flying ace who served throughout World War II in Europe. He flew 705 combat missions, and fought on the Western and the Defence of the Reich fronts. On four occasions he survived being shot down, and he was credited with 104 aerial victories, all of them against the Western Allies.

Source: Wikipedia.
wasn't one of the gallands killed on the ground in a raid?

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