Cheers Ian, always wondered about that!
Would that apply to RAF aircraft generally? (sky or grey for day fighters of course...)
Yep !
The clear matt is completely dry now so it's just a matter of carefully putting the whole model together.
i bet some of you guys think how boring it is to keep making the same sort of model, well your right it
can become a bit boring to a point, i thought i was bad until i went to a model show and a fella was
showing his collection of 65 DC3's/Dakota's of all scales/types
Fuselage section turned out ok, thank the lord or was it my bodging.
Close shot of my hand brushed work
The Matchbox decals are a little too thick but i'll get over it ! They where made in 1978 lol
I thought about painting some suitable blue over the darkened bit caused by the red centre but i think
i wouldn't beable to match the blue, so i'm leaving them alone i can leave with them.
This is how all model lancasters wings should look like !! you can see the black edge.
I've got fitting canopies on Airfix Lanc's to a TEE now, only took ten attempts.