Airventure (2011)

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Well EAA airventure officially starts on Monday but drove out there today and took a couple of pictures of things to come.


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Thanks guys, getting really excited. Hopfully Joe and I can hook up out there. Looks like a ton of people out there already!!!!
Thanks guys, Looks like at least one of the Fw-190's showed up. There is a possibility that a total of 3 will be here. I did not take this picture. Picture from the EAA website but its proof thats its on the grounds. One more day till I can get on the grounds. Cant wait.

Super Paul, good to see your back with some great Pics....!

Thanks Wayne,

Should be a great time. Packing up back pack and getting stuff ready for tommorrow. Hope to be on the road by 6:00 am and walking around by 7:00 am. Any particlar walkarounds any one looking for???
Another picture from the EAA web page. These are Bonanza's gathered all around the world in Rockford IL waiting for the green light to fly to Oshkosh for the mass arrival. From what I read they had 107 this year for the mass fly in. This is just one group of mass fly in aircraft.


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Well here is day one at EAA. Just a few pictures I took today. Will be back out tommorrow. Very tired and new a shower so enjoy!!!!

Great shots of the first day, Paul! Love seeing the 16 ship T-34 formation! The Mentors are like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. To think that the T-34s were very close to being permanently grounded a couple of years ago. Between the Mentors and the Bonanzas, this is going to be a very big Beech year. Looks like you guys got some great weather.
Thanks guys, its 4:15 am and Im up already. I have to be on the road by 6:00 am for Day 2. Expecting Fifi today. Will try and get some mail plane shots today. Its seems like EAA just keeps growing and growing. I am soar as heck today and this is only Day 2. Eric you have to get down here at some point. You would not beleive how EAA has changed. A lot more semi perminant building as such. Its actually pretty cool how things have grown up out here. The red parking lot is almost gone now. It now houses aircraft. Today was the busiest I have ever seen for opening day. As of right now EAA is expection 350 or more warplanes this year. Any one looking for walk around pictures better speak up now

All the best
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