Airventure (2011)

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Thanks Terry,

Well hooked up with Joe briefly today. Will meet up with him tommorrow morning and possibly Thursday. Here are some Day 2 pictures of EAA


Thanks guys, yeah Aaron your correct I am having a blast. With 5 more days to go Im not sure if anything will be left of me. I have blisters on my feet, Im sun burned even though I had on sun tan lotion and my legs feel like Jello. Oh well. I have a B-29 to look at tommorrow and Im sure there will be more suprises. I guess my next investment will have to be a new camera. This one does not work well with them in the air. O well maybe next year
Thanks guys, Here is day 3. I beleive your are correct Terry that is a lockheed load star. So many aircraft and my mind is kinda blown. It rained here most of the day so not to may pictures. I beleive I got there at 6:30 and left around 6:00 and it only stopped rainning maybe for 3 hours out of all that. Kinda soaked.


Thanks guys, 4 more days to go, very tired. Talked with one of the representives of the Canadian museum. Looks like Friday I may have shot at shooting a Britsh Sword fish. Never seen one of those before so Im hoping it will make it. Ive seen no request for walk around shoots and time is running out so if some one needs a certain war bird and I can find it speak up now.

All the best
Day 4, Bad day for the jet jockies, some where in this set of pictures is a F-16 all broke up. From what I heard the brakes failed and he went into the soft grass after yesterdays rains. The grass was so wet that the nose wheel sank in and collapsed breaking the nose section off. Looked like no one was hurt Less then an hour later they still did not have the F-16 out when a F4J Navy Fury couldnt stop due to no brakes and buried the landing gear in the grass about half way. Luckly navy gear are made tough and from what we could tell no damage done other then a stunned pilot. Eric, your right Im running out of gass fast. For those of you insterested that is me by Fifi!!


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