Airventure 2013

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George, the 'Gamma Correction' is in the 'Colour Corrections' section in 'Irfanview'.
Select the image you want to correct, then go to the tool bar at the top of the screen. Click on 'Image', and a drop-down screen will appear. In the 5th box from the top, you'll find 'Colour Corrections'; click on this, and another drop-down screen will appear, which will have two, smaller-sized versions of the same image, side by side, for 'Before' and 'After'.
Below these, on the right hand side of this screen, you'll see sliders for 'Contrast', 'Gamma Correction' and 'Saturation'.
Use the 'Gamma Correction' slider, watching the right hand of the two images, to adjust the overall brightness, density and saturation of the picture. Fine-tuning can be done using the 'Brightness' slider, to the left, and the 'Contrast' and 'Saturation' sliders on the right.
Experiment first, clicking the 'OK' button to see the altered image full size and, if happy, then 'Save' either as it is, or 'Save As' if you want a separate file, retaining the original in it's original state.
Note that none of the changes you make will be permanent until clicking one of the 'Save' options, so you can alter things as much as you like, without damaging the original, until 'saved'.
This is not always a perfect solution, but can vastly improve an incorrectly exposed image, or a poorly lit subject.
Hope this helps, and now, back to Paul's excellent thread.
Forgot to add - the Bechcraft AT-6 is the 'Texan II', and no wonder it looks like a Pilatus, or a Tucano, as both the Beechcraft and Embraer are licenced from the Pilatus design.
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I can only say one thing about day one...a-freaking-mazing! And that is an understatement. Paul, it looks like you got around to the warbirds area way more than I did. Here are some of mine from today. I'm still so pumped up from the day, I am not tired yet and it's almost midnight.


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That is a badass picture of a hat, Eric!!

Honestly, it looks like a non-stop adrenalin rush from the looks of all the action there, I'll admit I am pretty dang jealous of you guys right about now!

Great shots, keep 'em coming!

Once you do Airventure its hard to look at other airshows Its 5:30 am, time to start getting ready for Day 2. By the way Eric, Day 1 was just the warm up. Wait till day 5 when the enhanced warbird show goes into effect LOL
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Is that bloke putting vinyl letters on that DC-3????????????????? SHAME!

Actually he is taping the letters on then he takes a razor blade and lightly scores the paint. Then he removes the vinyl letters and hand paints the name. I've got pictures of him some where painting the name Ruff Stuff on a P-38 in years past and I think one other aircraft.


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Another thing that's kind of neat is they have a singer now that sings 1930's and 1940's American and British songs about a half hour before warbirds in review. I believe this is year 2 for her.


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This is ccol, like multiple coverage for Airventure for your viewing (and drooling) pleasure. The amount of new technology, introductions of new aircrfat and first public appearances is incredible. My legs are a little sore, as is my back, but I know once I get moving around, I'll be okay. This is only day 2.

Here is today's flying schedule:
Misty Blues Parachute Team, Texas Flying Legends (C-53 and P-51), Art Nalls (Sea Harrier), Michael Goulian (Extra 330SC), Bob Carlton (Sub Sonex), Sweepstakes Stearman (Pete Jones), Tinstix - Melissa Pemberton Skip Stewart (Pitts Edge), Terry Humphrey (Thrush 510G), Greg Koontz, (Xtreme Decathlon), Young Eagles, Kevin Coleman (Extra 300 SHP), Yves "Jetman" Rossy, Jerry Kerby (RV-8), The 4ce, Cirrus Jet, John Sneider (Turbine Mosquito), Sean Tucker (Oracle Challenger III), Scott Yoak (P-51 Mustang), Texas Flying Legends, Warbirds, FedEx A300

And you never know what else they will throw in there. I submitted my first article yesterday and will be working on some new stuff today. It's crazy busy for us on the news team, 18 hour days and insane amounts of things to cover (both good and bad), but it's so much fun! This was my first time to OshKosh since 1982. It won't be that long for next time!
Called it quits early today, taking the family out there tomorrow. Hoping to see both airshows tomorrow. The day time and the night time airshow.

Kinda lazy today so just uploading pictures of anything LOL

Oh I hope these are enough pictures
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