Akagi Rei-sen (on the carrier)

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As am I. I don't know how I missed this thread but I made up for it by spending the last hour catching up with all your posts. A truly spectacular project executed to perfection. I am intrigues by your use of materials and, if you have time at some point, I would very much like to know how you do certain things like:

- small holes in thin plastic card. Do you drill or punch?
- how do you cut large circles in plastic card. Is there some kind of circular cutting tool you use?
- how to do make tight bends in plastic rod (like on the conduits on the bridge)? Do you apply heat or use some kind of softening solution?

Again, fantastic work Panagiotis!
Thank you all guys for your nice comments!! Really appreciate your response!
Here's a sketch of how the second Zeke will be coming out of the elevator 'cut in half' so that the biggest part of the cockpit area will be visible..

I also will show the wingtips folded and...here comes the question.. How wrong I'll be if I show the flaps open? Well, that would be quite unlikely but I would like to use the Eduard kit..Any suggestions?

- small holes in thin plastic card. Do you drill or punch?
- how do you cut large circles in plastic card. Is there some kind of circular cutting tool you use?
- how to do make tight bends in plastic rod (like on the conduits on the bridge)? Do you apply heat or use some kind of softening solution?

I'll reply to that asap my friend and I've already taken some photos to make myself more understood..
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As you imagine, Panagiotis, to keep open the flaps was banned except testing.
I have understood now that the great work are always based on the great plan.
Thanks for sharing!
As you imagine, Panagiotis, to keep open the flaps was banned except testing.
It's too late to break that rule,is it my friend? What a pity..,this Eduard aftermarket looked so pretty on the Zero... Thanks for your reply!
And thank you guys for your comments! Besides other things, this project has a lot of 'suspense' regarding the 2nd 'crippled' Zeke!
Many thanks for your comments gentlemen! What I enjoy most in our hobby is to have styrene sheet and a liquid glue at my disposal!
Then give me some time and I'll make the most of it up to my skill of course..I also like pinching,drilling,cutting,sanding and generally torturing my models! Here are some of my favorite tools which may give some answers asked by Crimea River! Happy modeling to all of you guys!


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