Amazing Me 410 Build and Tutorial!!!!

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Southern New Jersey
If anyone remembers the ProModeller Me 410 I did for the Reich GB, then this should interest you. This guy started the build at about the same time I did (March 09) and just finished! But as you will see, it was well worth it!!!! Its a thread on a modelling forum but not only is a Start to Finish but he has characters throughout that teach you how to do stuff. AMAZING!!! The guy - chuk - is apparently an artist by trade and is pretty good. If you have a couple hours to kill, DEFINATELY check this out!!!

One top he does is the multi-color paint splotches to give a sense of scale. Incredible! Great tricks tips, great model and great characters. And a talking Reichsmark!!!!

Me410 A-1: To The Finish! 11/7/10 - ARC Air Discussion Forums


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I've seen this fellows work and his descriptions as he goes along. His models are incredible...
I have seen Chuck's work before and only briefly followed this one and had forgotten about it.I am on page eight now and saved to favorites.I think he put more teaching in this one than the last build.Thks for the reminder Cheers
Yep, I've been watching that one for sometime - a few of us over at the Luftwaffe Experten Message Board helped him out with details for this KG 2 machine. Nice to see it finally finished.

ARC has some fantastic modelers. I haven't had a chance to go through this one, but the best I've ever seen on ARC (or anywhere) is Pierre's Gooney Bird.

The guy hand tools some of the parts on his DC-3. I posted a link to it on this site some time ago if your interested.

I can't wait to get home and go through this thread also.
Being the goof-ball that I am, I loved the characters and just amazed at his work. The canopy framing and multi-colored paint splotches blew me away.
I've been reading my way through the entire lot of pages, and I love the cartoon characters and the way he describes the build.
I'm deeply impressed by his skill and ingenuity, and I am totally with Njaco on this one:
Love the canopy framing and the multi-coloured paint splotches, I think it all looks great!
But overall, it is a build that I'm very impressed of. Total respect from here, thanks for sharing.
He built a Helldiver IIRC last year that I swear you can smell the oil on. His work is incredible. You can see more of his stuff at Swanny's forum.

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