Amish School Shooting

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They are called the Patriot Guards, any biker can join. They escort fallen military or whomever so that those ah*les are kept away from the families that are mourning.... The real question is how come animals like the Bailey shooter weren't off the streets,he had a previous record.. But hey I'm sure the ACLU will support his rights over a young girls right to life...
They protested at a funeral here, a bunch of bikers ran them off...

Aren't these different idiots? I thought that the bikers were running off liberal wacko's who were protesting the war at military funerals.:evil: The protestors at the girls are different, right? Please tell me they are different.
They sound like the same,the protesters are saying that the fallen military personal are being punished for being gay and a bunch of other crap,they deserved to die etc. The Patriot Guard are just volunteer escorts who keep ah*oles away who don't respect the right of families to mourn their loss..
Guy's let me say this. These people claim to be Christian. That is a bold faced lie. They may think they are, but they're not Christian. Sure it Say's things like this are said in the Bible. But, the reasons it happened in the Bible was under harshly different conditions. Mostly murder mixed in with Worshiping false idles and inter marrying. But, this is a different time period. We worship the same way, but the way the church survives is by changing and adapting to the obstacles God gives us. Don't know how else to say it. The Bible is not a letter of war it is a letter of love. If someone dies you help them mourn(THAT'S HUMAN NATURE). You do not tell the family that their deceased member deserved it for the wrong doings in the past.(THAT'S JUST PLAIN EVIL) If this were true we'd all be dead. Judge not lest you be judged. And he Will curse those who curse us. Including people who claim to be among us. Jesus said to beware of false teachers and false witnesses. This is exactly the thing he was talking about.

In my opinion, these people are no better than the religious extremists who burns a representation of whoever criticizes them.
the small no-nothing group you sepak of is called a "cult"

they have been going on for centuries, as an alias predotor. Warping the Holy Word is their name of the game, and if not indoctrinated properly a person can be easy prey. something like the "Aryan nation" of sorts actually. The blind leading the blind. have met many different cult members in my years .. . ..... ...
And the people who join and or run those cults are called Gaytards.
As for a Sex offenders register, when my two children were young I used to say to people always look after your children as if you have a sex offender living in your street, because statistically you must have. (Ironic as it seems it turned out we did have one living in the street and he got 5 years).
Now that was about 15 years ago, statistics have increased many many times(and having worked with children for many years, I have seen the increase first hand), so trust me, you dont need to see a register, you will have several living right near you, right now, that sadly is a fact.

As for the freaks who turn up at the funerals, I find it sad to think that so many people live their lives in fear (better known as lack of self confidence) and have to hide behind either religion, cults or societies promising to 'find the better you, inside', because they cant find something more constructive to do with their lives.

when I read about the Amish incident, all I could think about was what it must have been like for those little girls who were not the first one to be shot, knowing what was coming, aged as young as 7 and 8, it doesn't bare thinking about. the poor wee things.
And the Amish people believe that it was 'gods will'.
"Gods will"? Didn't read that one. But wouldn't surprise me, I guess. His will or not, I don't think that would give me 1 centilla of comfort. Hug your kids EVERYday.
why not Crip ?

who really gives a bloody screw what their friends think, you might find yourself more respected by your kids associates as they may not have any affection let alone public. It's too small of a world knowing full well you could be taken off this planet at anytime.

The Amish are a strange lot actually, and I won't even compare them to that silly cult Baptist or no Baptist church from wherever they seem to reside. The Amish actually have their own way of Biblical interpretation, and although they state their roots are quite German it is not really a German Biblical way of teaching or thought process's. . . . . . my mothers side was and is full on Italien/German.

by the3 way good to see ya back Crippen

E ~
Im with Erich on this. You have to cherish the time you have with your children. I know I dont have kids yet, but when me and my wife do have children finally they are going to be my whole world.
It seems that the children he remembered molesting all those years ago, do not remember it themselves. It may simply be that somewhere along the line he believed himself to have done something he did not.

In the meantime perhaps the following will be useful:

Amish attend killer's funeral to forgive


GEORGETOWN, Pennsylvania: Dozens of Amish neighbours came out to mourn the quiet milkman who killed five of their young girls and wounded five more in a maniacal rampage.

Charles Carl Roberts, 32, was buried at the weekend in his wife's family plot behind a small Methodist church, a few kilometres from the Amish schoolhouse he stormed last Monday.

His wife, Marie, and their three small children looked on as Roberts was buried beside the grave, marked with a pink heart, of the infant daughter whose death nine years ago apparently haunted him, said Bruce Porter, a fire department chaplain from Colorado who attended.

About half of perhaps 75 mourners on hand were Amish.

"It's the love, the forgiveness, the heartfelt forgiveness they have toward the family. I broke down and cried seeing it displayed," Mr Porter said.

He said Marie Roberts was also touched. "She was absolutely deeply moved, by just the love shown."

In suicide notes and last calls to his wife, Roberts said he was tormented by memories of molesting two young relatives 20 years ago, and that he never recovered from the death of his first child, Elise, who died 20 minutes after she was born. His hatred towards God started at that moment, he wrote.

Police initially thought Roberts chose his victims at random, but evidence is mounting that he deliberately targeted the Amish schoolgirls.

"I'm sure he knew the girls," said Stephen Sipos, who lives across the road from the Roberts family. "The milk drivers were always joking around with the (Amish) kids."

Among the 10 girls Roberts seized in a planned assault a few hours after he finished work on Monday was Marian Fisher, 13, and her sister Barbie, 11, both of whom offered to die in exchange for the lives of the others. A third Fisher sister escaped.

Neighbours confirmed the Fisher farm was a regular stop on Roberts's milk route.

Police and criminal psychologists agree Roberts had a mass murderer's profile that does not yet make sense. Police have investigated his claims to have abused two of his relatives when they were four or five years old, and the women do not remember a thing; nor does any relative believe such abuse occurred.

Psychiatrists acknowledge that the death of his baby may have filled him with anger, but most consider it unlikely he would explode nine years later without exhibiting any sign of stress.

His cousin Ben Hildebrand insisted: "There was not a drop of anger in him." His wife said in a statement: "The man who did this is not the man I married."

Some specialists speculated that Roberts may have been molested himself, and that he may have developed fantasies about molesting the Amish girls.

The Sunday Times, MCT, AP

Im with Erich on this. You have to cherish the time you have with your children. I know I dont have kids yet, but when me and my wife do have children finally they are going to be my whole world.

Believe me Adler, when you have kids you won't be able to help yourself. It's kinda hard to explain and it sounds rather pompous to tell those who do not have kids that they wouldn't understand. But it is the most primal feeling that I have ever experienced. So primal that even self preservation is a low priority. Your kids will be your world. I promise you. And you'll love it.

Right, Crippen?
Dude, I don't even have a girlfriend yet. Not even sure if I've met her yet. Likewise, I don't have any children yet. I already love them beyond belief and I don't even know them yet.
she's not around much these days but i can say on Crippen's behalf she loves her children to bits and has given up numerous love interests for them, she has a great relationship with her children and i know they have a great deal of respect for her..............
My baby's not even born yet - still a bun in the oven till Jan 13, and he/she is already my favorite in the whole world!

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