And now for something completely different

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 14, 2011
Wichita,Kansas USA
Well i been wanting to build a F-104 . Took a while to find something different to do . Looked through my 40 F-104 books and came a cross a F-104 that used a U-2 Radome for a test. So i used the F-104 nose cone. I guess where to cut it and graphed on the round part from the back end of a Super Hornet fuel tank . Its not dead perfect but I am happy with it To use the cutting edge C-2 ejection seat in the kit office you have to cut the square out of the Kit cockpit. I Drilled mine out and added a piece of plastic to the bottom. Then added plastic to the ejection rails so to take up space between the seat and rails.

Cheers Brian
Nicely done but it does lose something in translation, doesn't it? By no means is this meant to be a criticism, just a look that is unsusual

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