The Pop-Tart Whisperer
The recent tragedy at Virginia Tech had me thinking about what other things that have happened in April and I came up with a list. It seems to me that alot of major disasters happen in the month of April. I know that events happen all about the year but it occurred to me that a few history changing events happen in this month. Anyway here's my list, what do you think?
As T.S. Elliot said, "April is the Cruelest month!"
APRIL 1 - April Fool's Day. What a way to start the month!
1982: The British Falkland Islands are invaded by Argentina.
1919: President Woodrow Wilson falls ill.
1933: The United State Army dirigible, "AKRON", explodes and crashes.
1968: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assasinated.
1917: The US declares war on Germany and enters WWI.
1994: The massive massacre in Rwanda begins.
1969: The Smothers Brothers Variety show is cancelled by CBS.
1994: Kurt Cobain, lead singer of "Nirvana" commits suicide.
1940: Germany invades Norway.
1942: US forces in Bataan surrender, beginning the "Bataan Death March".
APRIL 10 -
1963: US atomic sub "threasher" sinks, killing 129 sailors.
1970: The Beatles announced their break-up.
APRIL 11 -
1951: Douglas McArthur is relieved of Command of forces in Korea.
APRIL 12 -
1961: Fort Sumter is attacked, starting the Civil War.
1945: Franklin D. Roosevelt dies.
APRIL 13 -
1970: An explosion onboard Apollo 13 cancels the moon mission.
APRIL 14 -
1865: Abraham Lincoln is assassinated.
APRIL 15 - (Tax Day
1912: HMS "Titanic" hits an iceberg and sinks.
1927: Heavy rains flood the Mississippi, killing over 1,000 people.
1997: A stampede at Mecca kills thousands of Muslims.
APRIL 16 -
1945: The German refugee ship "Goya" sinks killing 6,500 people.
1947: A ship explosion in Texas City,Texas kills 600 workers.
1975: Cambodia surrenders to the Khymer Rouge.
2007: 32 people are killed by a gunman at Virginia Tech.
APRIL 17 -
1993: Not Guilty verdicts in Rodney King trial causes riots in LA.
APRIL 18 -
1906: San Francisco suffers earthquake, killing 3,000 people.
APRIL 19 -
1993: Seige in Waco, Texas ends in fire of the buildings.
1995: The Federal Building in Oklahoma City is bombed.
APRIL 20 -
1889: Adolf Hitler is born.
1999: 2 gunmen massacre students at Columbine High School, CO.
APRIL 21 -
1910: Samuel Clemens, "Mark Twain", dies.
1918: The Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen, is shot down.
APRIL 24 -
1814: Washington, DC is catured by the British and burned.
APRIL 25 -
1898: The US declares war on Spain.
1980: Rescue of hostages in Iran ends in disaster at 'Desert One'.
APRIL 26 -
1936: Spanish town of Guernica is first town to be bombed from the air.
1986: Chernobyl nuclear plant explodes in Russia.
APRIL 27 -
1865: 1,547 people die in a ship disaster on the Mississippi.
APRIL 28 -
1789: Fletcher Christian incites the 'Mutiny on the Bounty'.
APRIL 30 -
1975: The US embassy in Saigon is evacuated.
As T.S. Elliot said, "April is the Cruelest month!"
APRIL 1 - April Fool's Day. What a way to start the month!
1982: The British Falkland Islands are invaded by Argentina.
1919: President Woodrow Wilson falls ill.
1933: The United State Army dirigible, "AKRON", explodes and crashes.
1968: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assasinated.
1917: The US declares war on Germany and enters WWI.
1994: The massive massacre in Rwanda begins.
1969: The Smothers Brothers Variety show is cancelled by CBS.
1994: Kurt Cobain, lead singer of "Nirvana" commits suicide.
1940: Germany invades Norway.
1942: US forces in Bataan surrender, beginning the "Bataan Death March".
APRIL 10 -
1963: US atomic sub "threasher" sinks, killing 129 sailors.
1970: The Beatles announced their break-up.
APRIL 11 -
1951: Douglas McArthur is relieved of Command of forces in Korea.
APRIL 12 -
1961: Fort Sumter is attacked, starting the Civil War.
1945: Franklin D. Roosevelt dies.
APRIL 13 -
1970: An explosion onboard Apollo 13 cancels the moon mission.
APRIL 14 -
1865: Abraham Lincoln is assassinated.
APRIL 15 - (Tax Day
1912: HMS "Titanic" hits an iceberg and sinks.
1927: Heavy rains flood the Mississippi, killing over 1,000 people.
1997: A stampede at Mecca kills thousands of Muslims.
APRIL 16 -
1945: The German refugee ship "Goya" sinks killing 6,500 people.
1947: A ship explosion in Texas City,Texas kills 600 workers.
1975: Cambodia surrenders to the Khymer Rouge.
2007: 32 people are killed by a gunman at Virginia Tech.
APRIL 17 -
1993: Not Guilty verdicts in Rodney King trial causes riots in LA.
APRIL 18 -
1906: San Francisco suffers earthquake, killing 3,000 people.
APRIL 19 -
1993: Seige in Waco, Texas ends in fire of the buildings.
1995: The Federal Building in Oklahoma City is bombed.
APRIL 20 -
1889: Adolf Hitler is born.
1999: 2 gunmen massacre students at Columbine High School, CO.
APRIL 21 -
1910: Samuel Clemens, "Mark Twain", dies.
1918: The Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen, is shot down.
APRIL 24 -
1814: Washington, DC is catured by the British and burned.
APRIL 25 -
1898: The US declares war on Spain.
1980: Rescue of hostages in Iran ends in disaster at 'Desert One'.
APRIL 26 -
1936: Spanish town of Guernica is first town to be bombed from the air.
1986: Chernobyl nuclear plant explodes in Russia.
APRIL 27 -
1865: 1,547 people die in a ship disaster on the Mississippi.
APRIL 28 -
1789: Fletcher Christian incites the 'Mutiny on the Bounty'.
APRIL 30 -
1975: The US embassy in Saigon is evacuated.