At a loss for words here...

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1st Lieutenant
Apr 27, 2008
Hurst, Texas
Dallas Holocaust Museum Plans Response to Westboro Baptist Church's Protest | FrontBurner

Wish I'd known these idiots were going to be in town today, I'd've found a way to convince my brother to postpone his flight back to Italy by a day, and gone down with him. Them marching and carrying on is one thing...the news, however, just showed a clip where they had an American flag crumpled up on the pavement and were stomping on it as they marched. :evil::evil::evil: Freedom of speech is one thing...this is going too far. Love the comments in the article above, though.
I think it's Einstein that once said : "Religion is the control of human beings by enslaving their minds." Those dumbasses just proved he was right. They were so well-brainwashed that they are ready to do everything that their pastor (or anyone who organized the protest) says. :rolleyes:
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so.....let me get this straight (please correct me if I misunderstand)..... a group of christians are going (or have) protested outside the Holocaust centre in Dallas....have I got that right? I cannot believe it.....
so.....let me get this straight (please correct me if I misunderstand)..... a group of christians are going (or have) protested outside the Holocaust centre in Dallas....have I got that right? I cannot believe it.....

Yeah... It must be some sort of "white supremasists", too dumb to know that Jesus was Jewish. I think they jumped the "King of Jews" part.
These guys aren't Christians.. in fact they aren't even religious, just a small (60 ish IIRC) group of members of one guy's family who have been brainwashed into spewing his anti-Semitic, homophobic, anti-Islamic and generally xenophobic rubbish across the US. They have twisted pre-destination into some kind of idiotic belief that everyone except them is going to Hell. Ironic really, as they seem to be the most evil 'believers' on the face of the planet.
The WBC has a large number of lawyers in thier membership (what a surprise there) and is nothing more than a group of douchebags that enjoy tax exempt status and civil rights kickbacks while acting out thier anti-social childhood fantasies at the expense of common decency.

There are more Sand Fleas on the moon than there are Christians in that group...

You'll find a pretty good overview of those asshats at Wiki: Westboro Baptist Church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why can't they off themselves like any other good, respectful cult would do?
I like the idea of target practice. Has anyone ever done the surgical tubing and funnel trick to launch water balloons?
I understand if done properly you can launch a water balloon at least a city block away or more. :)
The problem is, launching any sort of attack on these morons, no matter how justified or gratifying, would just be playing into their warped and twisted theologies. You can't stoop to their level and expect to come out on top. What someone needs to do is to dig something up about their pastor, find out he's a child molester or has relations with goats or something like that, something that violently violates his own principles. Expose him for the fraud he is, and most of his "followers" will disappear. The die-hard wool-over-my-eyes few that remain will be just as nutty as he is, and without a large following to worship and adore them, they'll dry up and blow away.

Especially if, due to the evidence aforementioned, the good Rev is shivved in prison.

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