Attacker injures 9 students in Ansbach, Germany

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
This happened this morning in the town that I live in, about a 5 minute drive from the airfield that I work at. I am not sure if this information is correct, because the German news here said he had a fire arm as well and shots were heard.

Police: Attacker injures 9 students in Germany

ANSBACH, Germany – Police say a 19-year-old armed with an ax has attacked a high school in southern Germany, wounding nine students.

Nuremberg police spokeswoman Elke Schoenwald says the student attacker stormed his high school in the Bavarian town of Ansbach early Thursday.

In addition to the ax, the student appeared to be carrying Molotov cocktails.

Schoenwald says the attacker, who also was injured, has been arrested and police have evacuated the school.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

BERLIN (AP) — Police in southern Germany say several students have been injured in an attack at a high school and a man has been arrested.

Spokesman Ralf Koch from the Franken region of Bavaria said Thursday that a young man had been detained on suspicion of the attacks. Officers have evacuated the high school in Ansbach and are searching the building, Koch said.

Koch said there no longer appears to be any danger and no one has been seriously injured.

He was unable to confirm media reports that the attacker had lobbed Molotov cocktails into a classroom

Police: Attacker injures 9 students in Germany - Yahoo! News
It is definatly confirmed that he had a handgun, ax and molotov cocktails. 3 students were shot. Fortunately no one was killed though.
Maybe the world will wake up and realize that allowing kids to be raised by MTV/HBO just isn't going to work very well.....

You can blame the TV, but it all comes down to parental responsibility. As a kid, I watched the coyote and road runner and other violent themed shows. I am sure that everyone my age did. But I think the worst we ever did was smoke a little dope and get hungry. If there was a skirmish in gym class, there was a small boxing ring in the corner of the gym with some of the big mush gloves. The gym teacher would put the two combatants in there with the gloves and let them go at it until they were both tired, and usually shook hands and were friends after that.

But then, we also had corporal punishment then too. I got paddled for getting out of line and I never stepped out of line again.
You can blame the TV, but it all comes down to parental responsibility. As a kid, I watched the coyote and road runner and other violent themed shows. I am sure that everyone my age did. But I think the worst we ever did was smoke a little dope and get hungry. If there was a skirmish in gym class, there was a small boxing ring in the corner of the gym with some of the big mush gloves. The gym teacher would put the two combatants in there with the gloves and let them go at it until they were both tired, and usually shook hands and were friends after that.

But then, we also had corporal punishment then too. I got paddled for getting out of line and I never stepped out of line again.

Agreed, you can not blame music, games, movies or any other entertainment for something like this. Where were the parents? What was going on in the kids head? The wrong things or people are always blamed for such things. It always could have been prevented, usually if someone will just respond to the kids cry for help.
Abso-freaking-lutely! I did all the things that were supposed to make me a raving antisocial lunatic. I listened to "satanic" heavy metal, played Dungeons Dragons, played games like Doom and Quake and I've never even gotten a parking ticket. I also watched Woody Woodpecker, Tom Jerry, and Bug Bunny. Cartoons that are either edited so much it's not like the original or ones that are just not shown anymore. When I got into trouble, my parents (gasp!) spanked me! My mom used a wooden spoon and my dad used a belt. They taught me to respect people and to take responsibility for my actions. I was raised to believe that if you did something wrong and got punished, the consequences are on YOUR head. Break the law, go to jail. If it's too hot or uncomfortable, too bad.
When I played little league you had to try out and if not good enough, you didn't make the team and your parents would try and help you get better, not yell at the coach. My niece took dance lessons and when there was a recital you had to prove you deserved to be there.
It's just too easy to blame everyone else.
Chris hit it on the head and it iis proven with solo violence here in the States, what and whom are th parents and how did they raise their kid(s), sadly if one takes the parents aside and find out what their family life was like when they were young..............gag you get the dark picture, many times it is children in a adult body raising children with no ethics. My wife deals with this crap daily almost 24-7
It is just really weird. You see this stuff on the news all the time, and yeah it sucks really bad. It really is a shocker though when it happens in your town, especially one this size.
Chris, how big is Ansbach?

I hope all the wounded are ok, except for the kid who did it. Stupid little turd.

Just FYI DiddyRiddick, Evangilder's name isn't Evan. It's Eric. Eric Van Gilder. Not picking on you, just letting you know for future reference.
you do wonder about the kids closest friends.

Ansbach chief industry ? am formulating some ideas in my little mind also what is the size of the school ?
You can blame the TV, but it all comes down to parental responsibility. As a kid, I watched the coyote and road runner and other violent themed shows. I am sure that everyone my age did. But I think the worst we ever did was smoke a little dope and get hungry. If there was a skirmish in gym class, there was a small boxing ring in the corner of the gym with some of the big mush gloves. The gym teacher would put the two combatants in there with the gloves and let them go at it until they were both tired, and usually shook hands and were friends after that.

But then, we also had corporal punishment then too. I got paddled for getting out of line and I never stepped out of line again.

That was sorta my point, too...when parents step aside and leave all responsibility to the TV/movies/games, sure some will grow up normally, but you'll get alot more freaks like this one appearing.
Chris, how big is Ansbach?

I hope all the wounded are ok, except for the kid who did it. Stupid little turd.

Not very big at all. It has a total population of about 40,000, but that includes the whole county. The county of Ansbach is the largest county in Germany. The city itself is very small, but people live in small little towns surrounding it and they call belong to the county of Ansbach.

you do wonder about the kids closest friends.

Ansbach chief industry ? am formulating some ideas in my little mind also what is the size of the school ?

Ansbach main industry is farming. The whole area is just farm land.

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