B-17B 1\48 Scale - WIP

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Jan 19, 2009
Hi all!

Well, I've lurked around here for a few years, but thought I'd finally post a few pics of a long term project I'm working on:
She's going to be a 1/48 scale B-17B, circa August 1939 and I've been working on her slowly since January 2012.

And here's where we're at:

I've definitely spent a lot more time researching the -B than actually building... so many questions!

I started with the Koster C\D conversion (and actually had started building a -C model), and have been trying to learn some new techniques along the way.I'm not the best scratch-builder, but I sure do enjoy it. If she ever gets completed, she's going to be lit up with some fiber optics.

This bulkhead is the level of detail I'm after -- a long ways away everywhere else!
Other Pics:

Definitely a long ways off... I had started the framing back when she was going to be a -C; and then cut the enlarged opening for the blister.

Going to need to redo most of the framing around the turret. This is the sliding part of the turret test-fit in place -- I haven't put any of the turret framing in except for the edge of the sliding part. I am going to be putting the slot-cover in place on likely all three turrets in lieu of cutting the slot -- my attempts to cut the slot on a test piece didn't work that well.

This is the slot cover -- the bracket seen at the right will be on the other three 'dots'. On the real aircraft, the cover was placed into the slot from inside the turret, and then the brackets rotated to fasten it to the slot-frame. Embossing aluminum to represent the frame with cover in place is a lot easier than making the separate pieces in 1\48 scale!

Here's an example on the real plane:

thoughts \ tips \ comments welcome!


Did someone say Scratch building???????
I must ask, are you using the Humbrol glue in the yellow dispenser????
That glue sticks styrene to almost everything, and in a flash!

You have got one great project going there matey.
Very nice work so far. Coincidentally, I've just been reading a modelling magazine article about a similar conversion, from 20 years ago, using the Koster parts. Looking forward to more progress.
Thanks guys!

As to the Humbrol glue -- not familiar, will have to check it out! I've been using just plain old super-glue for most of it.

Not much in the way of progress, but I got a 'draft' of the ventral gun floor started -- hardest part was getting it to line up.

Also received some goodies from our friends at Eduard!

Most of the panels are completely different in the -B, but at least some of the radio equipment is the same (albeit moved around -- Command receiver is in the cockpit!).

Having difficulty determining what some of the ventral gun interior should look like.

I've got this photo:

But, all the photos of the -B interior that I've found seem to be taken from the radio room door looking aft. I've got a pretty good shot of the (very complicated!) gun mount, but no indication of the 'gunner seat' referenced in the 'Fuselage Equipment Diagram' in the manual. I can see that the seat has a standard A-1 seat cushion, as found everywhere else in the plane, but can't make out the part number on the seat itself. The armament diagram shows that the seat is below the 'floor' line, at least.

Also wondering if it has the little platform found on the -C\D model:

The gun mount certainly got a lot simpler in the C\D!

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