Battle of Britain 75th in 2015

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Doesn't work. The chinooks here screw up Sugar Maples and they die off. In the middle of winter, we can get several days of above zero weather, sometimes in the teens, with cold nights and then drop back into a deep freeze. The chinooks fool the trees into "spring mode" and the sap runs too early.
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Sorry chaps, looking like I wont be here for the BoB anni show. I'll be doing something else (just got to book the trans-Atlantic flights :) )

Your mission is take all the photo's I would take and post 'em here !!

I will however, be at Legends !
Sorry chaps, looking like I wont be here for the BoB anni show. I'll be doing something else (just got to book the trans-Atlantic flights :) )

Your mission is take all the photo's I would take and post 'em here !!

I will however, be at Legends !

You will be missed and perhaps a maple syrup salute in your honour sir will be offered up.

Does your "something else" involve a four engined flying machine perhaps?


You mean this one ?

Yup ! :)


  • Backseater.jpg
    54 KB · Views: 63
Hope you have (another) great time Gary - bastid !
Hopefully see you at Legends though when, if you're a good boy, you may be invited to the bar at my Tin Tent !
A few days of 4 engined Boeing Butane Burners.


OH FU%@....I did it again. I gotta start getting more sleep or drinking more coffee before I get on the computer.


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