Battle of France and BoB veteran Bf-109 at Chino

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Cool story and I'm glad they're gonna restore it. But an Emil delivered to the frontline in '42? Sounds a bit strange.
I hope they restore it to flying condition. Emils continued to be used for frontline service in quieter sectors and in the Jabo role until early 1943. It remained the principal frontline type in the med until well into 1942, which is why it was adequate to send obsolescent hurri Mk1s to that theatre for so long.

Contrary to the popular belief, the germans were always short of reserve aircraft, and often they resorted or were forced to use older types long after they had been officially replaced
Thanks parsifal. I'm starting to understand your point. I've been reading a few new books I have and its amazing that the difference between what was servicable against what was reported. And this was in '42 / '43 not the latter half of '44. The picture gets a little clearer.

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