I'm not saying it was EASY to get down to the StuGs. Also, they weren't easy to targets to hit - very low and more than likely well concealed. I'm just saying their armour protection alone wasn't going to stop .50cals. Especially if a P-47 dived down on them.
I don't want to get a land war discussion going on this thread but I am talking about towards the end of the war not Normandie. heavy wood beams, snadbags and anything to break up the square look of the stug was used. During the spring of 45 the 1st Stug Abt was used to block up holes-gaps made by soviet armor so it was camo'd the best way possible in the terrain it was engaged. here's a pic of Soviet tank killer; RK winner Walter Kuhn in his stug III.
Rockets vs. AT guns? I'd prefer rockets. They seem to be more simple to use plus they give fighters the ability to destroy tanks without taking out much from their agility.
I wouldn't go that far. 37mm weapons were fine for busting tanks but ineffective in the air-to-air arena against maneuvering targets. Also muzzle velocity and rate of fite tended to be rather low and those are extremely important in anit-air roles.
I know once you go bigger than 30mm my theory is ill-proven; but with a battery of 20mm and 30mm cannons (Fw-190A-8 et al) I think my statement is agreeable.
Yes, although the 20mms and the Machine guns could just be used. If needs be though, the 30mms could be used to bring down a plane, probably bombers where you have more time to get a good aim.
The Krauts had very good cannon but they seem to have this bad habit of mixing up various calibres in an aircraft. Not just in tank killers but in every type of combat aircraft. Take the Do217 nightfighter for example: six 20- and 30-mm. plus four 7.92-mm mg. Why not just six 20-mm. or four 30-mm.? Just imagine what their armourers and supply officers had to go through just to keep these plane shooting...
sorry friend the Do 217 was never equipped with 3cm weapons only 2cm.
a heavy almost useless a/c in the ETO except to intercept slow moving Soviet a/c on the ost front. My cousin flew one of these monstrousities during 1942 in NJG 3 and then the Bf 110G-4..............
it's true that certain varints of the Do 217 had the 4 mg 17's and four 2cm's forward and also a test bed for the future Schragwaffen when using 4 and then 2 2cm weapons judged by Rudi Schoenert.
Really weird my cousin scored 8-9 of his 12 victories in the Do 217.