Best things from Europe

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No worries mate, hardly know myself these days! Lived in 6 countries so far and may be headed for the 7th (Ireland) in just over a month! :)

I like Eire. The countryside is lovely and people friendly. Out of the cities Its the only place I could leave my motorbike unlocked and it wouldn't get nicked.
Guinness tastes best from a Waterford crystal glass too :)
'How about locally bought bread done by artisans.'

Defo Matt. That is one of the pleasures of France, fresh baguettes, cheese and wine.
The supermarket bread here is shite and a lot of folks have taken up home bread baking inspired by the TV cook Paul Hollywood.
Yeah people here in the states have no idea what a good loaf of fresh bread, cheese and beer might make for a change in meal preferences. Add some fruit/veggies and I'm a happy man.
'How about locally bought bread done by artisans.'

Defo Matt. That is one of the pleasures of France, fresh baguettes, cheese and wine.
The supermarket bread here is shite and a lot of folks have taken up home bread baking inspired by the TV cook Paul Hollywood.

French Baguette is amazing. Whenever me and my wife would go to France, we would buy a bunch of Baguettes and different Cheeses and meats. Put them in the cooler. Just drive around the country side. When we got hungry, pull over, sit in the grass or on the beach and just eat bread and cheese.

I miss living in a place where you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for real cheese. (Real cheese is not sliced American cheese bought in Walmart).
Yeah people here in the states have no idea what a good loaf of fresh bread, cheese and beer might make for a change in meal preferences. Add some fruit/veggies and I'm a happy man.

I agree. It is probably one of the things I miss the most. Going to the local town bakery, getting fresh breads (and not that shitty sliced loaf crap), then stoping by the butcher, getting fresh salamis and cold cut meats, and then going to the cheese store and getting wedges of real cheese. Appenzeller, Cave Cheese, Bree, Scharfer Max, etc...

Oh and not having to pay an arm and leg for it.

Same with wine.

It seems to me that people in America think that a good cheese, bread or wine has to be expensive. Even the domestic ones. Why????
If Europeans hadn't brought something to wipe out the indigenous population, then we wouldn't be here!

The TRUE meaning of Thanksgiving! :)

The Supergroup! Cream, ABBA, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd et al...
'French Baguette is amazing. Whenever me and my wife would go to France, we would buy a bunch of Baguettes and different Cheeses and meats. Put them in the cooler. Just drive around the country side. When we got hungry, pull over, sit in the grass or on the beach and just eat bread and cheese'

Chris, that is exactly what we do too. I have to include sparkling water as well.
Can't beat it eh
Sparkling water with a slice of lemon and/or lime is very refreshing. The French lemon sorbet is too...
Can't wait to get away from the rain and head down to Nice :)

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