Best things from Europe

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Anyway...where were we? ah, yes.. the best things from Europe.

The thing I like most is the amount of cultural change you can experience within a few hundred miles...if you pick the right route of course.
Food, architecture,history, heritage and list goes on.

A sense of identity is important for everyone...and we have that here even in these Federal Europe days.
I have dibs on mentioning Sophie first:).the list of Italian beauties is long,i'll toss in Brigitte Bardot for the French..
Anyway...where were we? ah, yes.. the best things from Europe.

The thing I like most is the amount of cultural change you can experience within a few hundred miles...if you pick the right route of course.
Food, architecture,history, heritage and list goes on.

A sense of identity is important for everyone...and we have that here even in these Federal Europe days.

I agree, and that is something I miss about living in Europe.
'...and why I moved back here from Oz. NZ and Oz are great for weather and scenery, but we have nowhere near the cultural diversity and history of Europe... I do love it here! (In Europe John )'

Sorry for the confusion old chap...I wasn't sure whether you were Hungarian living in NZ or vice versa.
Anyway, that is all nicely cleared up.

Europe has a huge amount to offer, as does everywhere in the world I guess.
I'm a little tired of the poor weather in successive UK summers but, that is all.
Its easy to find to sun, in the south of France / Spain.
'...Sorry for the confusion old chap...I wasn't sure whether you were Hungarian living in NZ or vice versa.

No worries mate, hardly know myself these days! Lived in 6 countries so far and may be headed for the 7th (Ireland) in just over a month! :)

As for sun, plenty here in Hungary. 37 °C today, 21 last night!

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