Bf-109 G-6

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2nd Lieutenant
May 25, 2008
New Zealand
Hey guys heres my attempt at making airfix's 109G-6 a little better

Scratch built interior and Db-605

Gonna finish it with most of the cow panels open

Yet to decide on a scheme on this maybe first thought was Gerhard Barkhorn

Anyone got some nice schemes they'd like to share?


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It's really a mess so far but you are doing well Daniel.Keep working on...:D

You might be interested in these.But notice please that the Yellow13 has later variant of the fin and rudder.


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The pink stuff is cosmic goo from the Nazi Flying Saucer project designed to give it extra lift.

No, really. :D
Thanks for the profiles Wojtek!:)

Don't worry Terry its abit cleaner now!

Cheers guys


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So if that pink, ex-Nazi Space Programme, extra-lift-giving Cosmic Goo is filler, why have you filled the wheel bays? Apart from that, and I'm sure you've got a good reason, it's looking great Daniel!
Cheers mate ,I filled them in cause theres bugger all detail in the wheel wells so I'l drill holes to a depth of about 2-3mm where the wheel would go and then sribe grooves for the undercarriage leg .If I didn't there'd just be gaps leading into the wing which would look a tad wrong.Shouldn't look too bad with abit of paint.Lots more sanding/filling to do!:)
If you would use plastic pieces you would get better effect of these wheel bays Daniel.Could you recall me what firm offeres them kit?
I echo Karl and Wojtek. I now understand what you're doing, but, as Wojtek said, it's much easier to 'box-off' the gaps around the wheel wells and gear-leg bays, using thin plastic sheet, or even card, if you haven't got plastic sheet.
But bl**dy good work nonetheless!
Just thinking about that Wojtek(typical of me going about it the wrong way)Will look into doing that

Ya its the airfix 1/72 kit ,got 1980 imprinted on the inside of the fusalage

Cheers guys:thumbleft: ,Will have some more pics up tonight of the build

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