Bf 110G-2 'Pulk-Zerstörer'....

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Stab., I. and III gruppen of ZG 26 had the Bf 110G-2's in October of 43, II. gruppe was making the change over to the Me 410A. the colur changes to code letters of the staffels is still a bit confusing as due to strength losses which were not much in the Fall, Janaury of 44 is another story, but many times as with the S/E day fighter units even the T/E ZG's staffels would put together their staffel A/C which were sometimes flown by other staffel crews

make sense ? now it would be safe to say your ZG machine could hold the upper 3cm and lower nose 2cm cannons, sometimes the add on of the twin 2cm wafen pod but sometimes not, it is almost too much weight for the crate to handle and slower than a slug on a rainy day.

E `
I understand Erich... As for the nose cannons and the gun pod, these has already been attached, but only the holes drilled for the WGr's and the extra fuel tanks. Would it be, you think, a better bet to leave off the WGr's on the machine and only attach the fuel tanks? It's easy enough to fill those wee holes....:lol:

Thinking more and more what a suicide mission it must have been, to go up in the air to meet those, B-17's, B-24's, P-51's and P-47's in heavy slow mowing '110's...

Another thing, how accurate were those WGr's, how close did you have to get to your target, to make sure that you'd get a kill? I mean, they were in no way guided, pretty much shoot and hope for the best, right
I've got some info somewhere on the WGr Jan, but far as I remember, it was approximately 1,000 metres stand off maximum, for reasonable acccuracy, with proximity fusing, possibly accoustic proximity fusing also, tuned to the Db output of the B17/B24 engines.
So, basically point and shoot, and if detonation was close enough, it would cause serious damage, or knock the tatget down. The round was basically the same as the 'Moaning Minnie' ground 'nebelwerfer' ammunition, so a realtively wide blast area on detonation.
up to you on the fuel tanks, probably worn and then maybe not, though in combat ops they were discarded if the crew remembered to drop them which they usually did not as they were focused on other things, the attack, swopping up or down to get away from the most nasty P-47 cover.

well the rockets were terribly inaccurate, they were fired in salvo's and were suppose to be delivered with minimum of 3 Bf 110G's or 3 Me 410'sA/B's, obviously it would of been best to fire as a straight line staffel but hardly correct in battle conditions when everyone is trying to deliver the coup de grace on a US heavy.

in brief let me just say it was used as a mass barrage to excite and throw the B-17/B-24 crews in total chaos.

many times this worked where the boxes would fall out of formation be so completely confused the smaller s/e fighters could come in close with their 2cm cannons.

sounds disgusting when you think hard and long about it but that is exactly what happened ........

unless the 110G's had a high cover of Bf 109G's then they of course and even with escort were doomed to Allied escorts even in late 43.
Well, after finishing that lovely wee PZL 11C, I thoght that I'd try to get something done on this bird....



Now, masking the canopy.....thank God that I'm off for the rest of the week, including next Monday, after tonight, I'm gonna need it! :lol:

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