Bf 110G-2 'Pulk-Zerstörer'....

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I say, jolly good show old boy. That's rather nice looking Messerschmitt your working on. Can't wait to see it done.

(But I can't help but wonder, how do you manage to work on so many models at the same time Jan?)
Having drilled too many holes in the wing for this ZG26 G-2, for both the WGr's and the extra fuel tanks, did the ZG26 ever use both the tanks and the WGr's at one time, or was it either way?
Haven't seen any ZG26 '110's with this setup....
Don't have much noses to pick from, neither is correct for a ZG26 '110G-2 right? Even though the nose without the 151/20 is as close as I'll get....:(


ZG 26 and 76 both used the same two noses you present and also the rocket mortars and drop tanks to either wing for their long distance flights
Thank you ever so much Erich, very much appreciated! :notworthy:


I added the 151/20 nose. So, in the end this will become a ZG26 '110G-2 with with wing mounted tanks, WGr's and six (correct?) MG151/20's...

Is there any pics floating around of a machine equipped like this from ZG26, so that I can get a correct code, october '43, around the Munster raid?
Right, ok Erich, would you mind awfully to see if you have something fitting, anything, for a ZG76 G-2 and the Munster raid? Saving the ZG1 for the Eduard '110G-2.... :D

Thanks once again!

Cheers guys, getting closer. Those 6 2cm's must have done some serious damage to the bombers, those that came close enough to them that is....not to mention the WGr's!

only ZG 1 and ZG 26 flew on the Münster raid, I see no losses or kills by ZG 76 for the date and 3 days before and after in October 43 for ZG 76.

E ~
I see, thanks Erich! :thumbright: Think that I'll stick with the ZG26 for this machine then, and the Munster raid. Was it Stab/ZG26 and III./ZG26 and their 7, 8 and 9th staffeln you said? Would these be coded 3U then, and either 3U+?A, 3U+?R, 3U+?S and 3U+?T

The other G-2 (Revell too) ZG 76 with I. and III. gruppe, which took part in the Brunnsvick(?) raid in January 44....

Any ideas of ZG26 and ZG76 strength, when going up for these missions, 75%, 50% or less? They must have been running low on airworthy airframes and crews at this time.....

As always, very much appreciated for you, and others Erich, for taking your time...
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