Bf 110G-2 'Pulk-Zerstörer'....

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Sounds great Erich! Will be following that thread with great interest! :thumbright:

Edit: N, that's the '217 with the BMW engines, right?
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the Do 217N-1/U1 had DB's I think.............. sorry I just do not have enough info on his crate(s). nearly all except possibly 1 kill were in the Dornier 217. big slow heavy turd of a craft.

will start another thread in modeling now.
to continue the day destroyer Bf 110G-2 thread.

II./ZG 1 after a mission

Great pic Erich!

Now, can I use this nose, drill out the MG's already there and replace them the MG 151/20's a few posts earlier?

Is this G-2 fact or fiction?


  • Bf 110G-2 2.jpg
    Bf 110G-2 2.jpg
    48.6 KB · Views: 165
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the markings are fictious @N is ZG 1 code it should read M8

I posted on page ? the yellow banded 110's of ZG 76 in which 1-2 have the long barrel upper 2cm cannons. usually the spinner was not used in ZG 76 but a two colored circular marking to denote staffel
Washed up? Good heavens, is this a new aviation archaeology find? A Bf110G-2 washed up on a Scottish beach! Where, when, what condition....Oh! You mean you've washed the parts for your model! B*ll*cks, had me going there! I think I need a stiff drink to settle myself, where's that bottle of 'T Stoff'?
Yup! A G-2 with Bk 3,7 cm, MG 151/20's in the nose and a pair of rocket pods under each wing, in perfect condition too!

Anyhoo, painted the interior the usual grey, does anyone have colour profiles of the '110G-2 cockpit?
Nice work old chap!
VJ + OQ ? Wasn't that the one that Mr.Hess chappy stepped out of on his way to see the Duke of Hamilton? Very inconsiderate of him to let it find its own way down to a Scottish moor!
Did paint them, not dry brush though H, thanks! (Forgot to say that! :oops:)

Well, the fuselage is joined up....



Now, the WGr.42's.... This being a ZG26 machine, was it equipped with one or two WGr's under each wing at the time for the Munster raid? If just the one under each wing, was it mounted further out or in on the wing..?

Jan if you are planning on doing a big boy Flak 3.7cm crate I would omit the rocket launchers fro either wing. too much weight and it through the aero - characteristics way off. it was literally overkill on the a/c
Was going to do this one with the 151/20 bellymounted gunpod Erich. Getting the Flak 3,7cm for the next '110, that and the nose mounted 151/20's..... 8)

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