Bf 110G-2 'Pulk-Zerstörer'....

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Great stuff Bud! Here's another pic from the same book, just noticed it! :oops:

well you have the weight of the carrier and it's fittings that are hinged for one. two more 2cm cannon plus the ammo belts

yeah that about sums it up...............too much

P ~ am not sure but it sure slowed the a/c down; it was bad enought with twin antler sets being carried and a thrid crew emember plus SM installation and it's ammo. what a pig to be easily shot down during the minimal day ops the 110G units flew in fall of 43 into early spring of 44.

............ auch du a fat sow !
same crate as the first one at the top of the page Beau. I have several pics of this bird as well from Fall of 1943
extra fuel tanks were common on most long range ops that all 3 ZG's performed. rocket launchers were not always fitted either, pure experimentation in 1943 till it was settled on the standard fit, but as we have discussed and the same goes for the Me 410A/B crews they were sitting ducks to Allied escorts

like mentioned I have several actually about a dozen pics of early II./ZG 1 birds with long barrels in the nose, and NO rocket mortar fittings. probably so the ZG 1 birds could get in close with the forward 6 2cm weapons..........sounds a bit suicidal.

E ~
quite a bit Jan, we know LW and US losses and even kills.

you are looking at ZG 26 Stab or III./ZG 26 > 7, 8 or 9th staffels
my PC was having a brain fart today..........

alrightie a Jan. 11, 44 was a rocket day literally.

LW lost 39 fighters out of 207 committed.

ZG 26 with I. and II. gruppe shot down 9 B-17's but lost lost 8 A/C
ZG 76 with I. and III. gruppe shot down 10 B-17's but lost 4 A/C

the US 3rd B.D. attacking Brunswick really got clobbered by twin engines w. Rockets/Cannon

you say you want to depict the A/C from the Müster raid on 10 October 1943.

here are some very brief stats for your files.

ZG 26 in it's entirety was involved, Stab and all 3 gruppen. shot down 16 US bombers but in the air op lost some 13 aircraft with 12 KIA and 6 wounded.

E ~
my PC was having a brain fart today..........

alrightie a Jan. 11, 44 was a rocket day literally.

LW lost 39 fighters out of 207 committed.

ZG 26 with I. and II. gruppe shot down 9 B-17's but lost lost 8 A/C
ZG 76 with I. and III. gruppe shot down 10 B-17's but lost 4 A/C

the US 3rd B.D. attacking Brunswick really got clobbered by twin engines w. Rockets/Cannon

Sounds like a follow up to the Müster raid '110.....


you say you want to depict the A/C from the Müster raid on 10 October 1943.

here are some very brief stats for your files.

ZG 26 in it's entirety was involved, Stab and all 3 gruppen. shot down 16 US bombers but in the air op lost some 13 aircraft with 12 KIA and 6 wounded.

E ~

The whole ZG26 you say? That'll give plenty of '110's to pick from then...

Thank you once again Erich... :notworthy:
As I said in "Resent Purchases" thread, all this Bf 110G-2 'Pulk-Zerstörer' talk has inspired me to buy another Revell G-2....:oops:


  • Bf 110G-2.jpg
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Found good barrels for the MG 151/20 in 1/48 from Quickboost! Will be useful for a G-2 with MG 151/20's in the nose and the 3,7 cm.... :D

Also, Erich, I agree about this pic of the '110's, it's impressive! If this one doesn't give you goosebumps, you're not a '110 fan....I'm sure that "Maxi" will agree on that, right? :D


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    MG 151-20.jpg
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  • Me110-G2-62-1.jpg
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Agreed! It's really nice to see this rather maligned aircraft getting a bit of popularity for a change. With the release by Eduard of the G-4 nightfighter I look forward to seeing more builds. I believe that Erich had a relation who flew a G-4.. perhaps it would be an interesting project to build his aircraft? What say you Erich?

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