Bf 110G-2 'Pulk-Zerstörer'....

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remember Jan this is all field mount by the ground crews. wrk nummer even in accordance with issuance means nothing when the G-2 is equipped with cannon(s). the four mg 17's in the upper nose were first used then removed and a remodelled nose section if you will to house the 3cm, later removed and fared over openings-taped at times, and the lower 2cm retained. even with the daylight hours there was some forward flash from the upper cannons and debris flying the the crews faces, the lower ones retained and the waffen pod of two 2cm cannon was kept and used as the standard.

does this make sense ?
Why would you be apologizing for taking time! :D

Thats a hard question to answer Harrison but as you get older you will understand his statement more if you stay interested in aviation through time. Ive spent 30 years off and on researching history of WWII. I consider Erich an Expert and me a beginner if you compare us two. His knowledge on the Luftwaffe is great in my option and when he talks and you listen you usually learn something new.
Yep 100% , your not a beginner though Paul

I will always consider myself a beginner because I do not specialize in any topic though I may change that to North Africa and MTO as that is the area Im collecting info on in a private archive that when I get some time will start reading if I put the time and patients into it. Till then Im happy to jump from one subject to another.
Me too, I like reading about anything in WWII. I don't like to read one certain things, rather many things.

You will get to a point where you will have to narrow down to where and what you read.

Ive gotten to a point where I wished Ive started earlier on a specific campainge area or topic because when you do start in depth research it makes it harder because I was so general when I started buying books. Thats just me personally though.
You will get to a point where you will have to narrow down to where and what you read.

Ive gotten to a point where I wished Ive started earlier on a specific campainge area or topic because when you do start in depth research it makes it harder because I was so general when I started buying books. Thats just me personally though.

Agreed. I find it better to focus on one particular part of WWII than try to be "Jack of all trades."
That's me fellas, Jack of all trades, King of none...:oops:

Erich, I know what you mean my friend... I think in time, if money allowes it, I'd like to do a G-2 with the Bk 3,7 and the MG 151/20 and one with the MG FF's, MG 17's and the belly mounted MG 151/20's... Just to figure out which one to do first! :oops:

I must admit that I've kept going back to Lt Richard Heller and his G-2 Wk. Nr. 6371 and the mission he flew on 9 October '43, even though he was shot down, he managed to down three B-17's....
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Jan did Heller shoot 3 down that is the question. probabaly confirmed one for certain if thi is the Münster raid then all hell broke loose for both sides. I have book just on this raid written years ago, too much blood spilt for a fact.

personally will just give you my vibe on the model and I am not a modeller as I do not ahve the patience anymore, but...........I would do your standar G-2 run-up in any of the 3 ZG's we have mentioned most likely ZG 26 before ther change over to the Me 410A and or II./ZG 1.

thus you have this crate with twin WGR's under each wing, the kit should have them yes ? and then delete the upper cannons but have the lower 2cm's in port bottom. then add the waffenpod under the belly with the twin 2cm cannon. this simple but very effective weapons system worked until P-47's and later the 354th fg with P-51 came into the fray in December 43 onward and messed up the 110G-2's many times while they were still in formation and not even in an attack mode to jump the US bombers from the side or rear.

you of course have the option it is your kit. by the way I have gun cam from a 110 with the 3.7cm firing on the rear of two B-24's way out in the distance as well as films of rockets being fired at B-17's. Lucky for the Us chaps the rockets just made pretty ugly black bursts without hitting anything in that case.

E `
Can do any of the options, well, except the upper nose mounted 151/20's. Other than that I can do the crate as you suggest.

Think that we'll do a '110 from that particular raid then. 8)

Thanks a bunch Erich! :thumbright:
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Thanks Erich, much obliged!
Here's the difference between the Revell/Monogram and Eduard G-2's. Both have two different upper noses,
with R/M having mounted guns or faired over, while Eduard has with or without, is it the gun camera?
They both also differ in the style of the belly mounted 151/20 gunpod, which is rather confusing, which is correct,
or are they both right?







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Do you mean that rectangular 'hole' in the centre of the nose cone? If so, then as far as I remember, it's an intake for the ..? B*ll*cks, I've forgotten what it's an intake for!
As for the different configurations, I'm guessing it's a case of which aircraft is being modelled; some had the gun ports faired over, later production, without the guns, had a 'plain' nose, and so on.
it is the air intake

neither pod is 100 % right on the monies though the first is more so. maybe Micdrow has the pdf handy to show the pod ?
Do you mean that rectangular 'hole' in the centre of the nose cone? If so, then as far as I remember, it's an intake for the ..? B*ll*cks, I've forgotten what it's an intake for!
As for the different configurations, I'm guessing it's a case of which aircraft is being modelled; some had the gun ports faired over, later production, without the guns, had a 'plain' nose, and so on.

it is the air intake

neither pod is 100 % right on the monies though the first is more so. maybe Micdrow has the pdf handy to show the pod ?

Gun camera.....!? Boy do I feel :stoopyd:
Makes you wonder how many '110's it is preserved with the gunpod, even more so, different ones....or just the pods.:confused:
it is the air intake

neither pod is 100 % right on the monies though the first is more so. maybe Micdrow has the pdf handy to show the pod ?

Try these, will see if I have some better pictures. To me it looks like the last one fits the bill.


  • 4.JPG
    99.4 KB · Views: 199
  • 3.JPG
    91.6 KB · Views: 226
  • 2.JPG
    87.8 KB · Views: 205
  • 1.JPG
    64.3 KB · Views: 207
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Or if you prefer they came out of this manaul.


  • Bf 110F und G Wa Beiheft 2.pdf
    8.2 MB · Views: 165

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