BikerBabe's photos

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Hi again guys. :)

I've been scanning some old slides, and among them were a few pics from Skovlunde - the old airfield.
Y'see, my grandmother - dad's mom - wanted to give mom, dad and me a gift when there was this Open House arrangement at the airfield or whatever you call it in english, and so grandmother gave us a flight. Mom didn't want to go flying, so dad and I went up.
I wasn't very old, and judging from the information that I can find in the danish register of civil aircraft, it must've been between 1974 and 1989, since the Piper PA-28R-200 Cherokee Arrow B that we flew with, crashed at South Downs Way, North Stoke, Houghton, Sussex, on July 8th, 1989. I just hope that the pilot and possible passengers survived the crash.
And judging from my horrible hairstyle on the photos, this must've been somewhere around 1975-76. :D

Anyway, as I said, dad and I went up together with some other kids, and we had a nice trip.
I don't know who took the photos - it must either have been grandmother or mom.
The little black-haired girl is me, the man with the checkered shirt, beard and sunglasses is my father. :)
The Goodyear blimp was there as well for the occasion, which was a recurring local sensation whenever it showed up on its trips.




Thanks VB and CR, I wholeheartedly agree with you, simply because I didn't expect these photos to surface. :D
And I'm really really glad that I managed to save them, because mom and dad wanted to throw all of them out when they moved recently - there are 612 slides in all, of all sorts of events in my family, and to me it's incredibly cool to be able to see my grandparents and other family members again, many of which are now sadly deceased.
Which makes it even more important to me to take good care of these slides. ;)
So I'm really happy that mom and dad asked me first if I wanted the slides, and that I got them. ;) :thumbleft: :thumbright:
Thanks guys. *courtsies* ;)
Aaron: Of course - I didn't know what I was getting myself into. :rofl: ;)
Time for a bit of photo flooding:

The Copenhagen Lakes, Nørrebro - Queen Louise's Bridge, afternoon sunset:



December afternoon - dec. 19th, 2011, Købmagergade, Copenhagen:


Christmas tree in the yard where my apartment is:


Sunrise seen from my balcony - Nov. 16th, 2011:


Road trip - Sølager, sept. 4th, 2011:


Road trip, Hundested, sept. 4th, 2011:


Road trip, Kulhuse, sept. 3rd, 2011:


Rain clouds and rainbow, aug. 15th, Skovlunde.


Copenhagen Lakes, july 26th, 2011:


Copenhagen Lakes, Queen Louise's Bridge, july 26th, 2011:


Trying to do a sort of model set-up of gear, july 2nd, 2011:


Edelweiss, june 22nd, 2011:


Seagull, Hundested, june 6th, 2011:


Road trip, may 7th, 2011:


Road trip, april 25th, 2011:


Langelinie, Copenhagen, march 19th, 2011:


Windy, Copenhagen, feb. 26th, 2011:


Local road, jan. 9th, 2011:


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