BikerBabe's photos

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Absolutely fantastic.....beautiful photography, interesting subjects, inspires me to get out do some more work with my own camera....

Thankyou Maria for sharing such lovely images, for m,e these image are demonstrating real artistry


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Went digging in my photo collection tonight, and here's some flies that I tied a few years ago.
Patterns are mostly my own inventions with a few exceptions.

Unknown dry fly pattern.

Tiny woven fly, inspired by Toril Kolbu's technique of weaving flies.

Homemade pattern from Ole at my then fishing club.

Another homemade pattern - this time my own.

Yet another woven fly, inspired by Toril Kolbu.

Rusty Rat - a classic modern salmon fly.

Rainbow Warrior - my own pattern.

Yellow Submarine - my own pattern.

Purple Haze - my own pattern. Yes, I like to experiment with fly patterns.

Playing around, experimenting with tying techniques. The wing is made of a single chinese black male hen (sic - darned automatic word control! ) hackle feather, and then lacquered.

Daddy Long Legs.

Experimental earrings.

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