Thank you folks, I do have fun at my job most of the time. On a troubled note, my tri-pod broke the other day. Dropping my 6-D and big lens. I was quick enough to catch it though, saving both pieces from damage. I have been searching Amazon for a couple of days and just found a Zomie Z669 for $105.00. They list of almost $300.00, so I think I did decent. It has a max weight capacity of 8k, or 17.6 pounds and has a ball head. We'll see.
They had there big State Street Cruise-In Friday night. A friend and I went down I got some photos. Used the old XSi and the 18/55mm lens. It was cloudy and dark, so the depth of field was extremely shallow.
Nice pictures Brooks. That GMC looks to be about the same year as my Chevy or a year younger. Mine is in the shop now for breaks. Interesting drive to the mechanic with only low gear to stop. Never do that again!