Brooks' Photos

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The quality doesn't really matter that much in shots like those but when they come out good it is all the better :D
Thank you Gnomey.:oops:
Way to go, Aaron!

Great shots and you were able to go up after all! :thumbleft:
Yeah.:oops: Terry even let me fly some.:cool:
Lovely stuff Aaron, you luck dog getting the flight.

:hotsun: :hotsun:
Thank you Vic.:oops:
Some excellent shots and looked like some excellent weather! The airplane in the first photo of #1231 looks like a weird offspring of a P-47 and a Mustang (or at least its rudder). Is it a P-47 fuselage without the whole supercharger structure? And it looks to have dual seats, too.
Cool day for sure.
Thank you Derek.:oops: The plane was made to look like a fighter. It has a P&W 1830 with a two stage supercharger also.
Nice stuff, Aaron! :thumbleft: That first shot of the GT with the low angle is a great composition!

Thank you Eric.:oops: I had to lay on the ground to get the shot but I like the effect.:D
Outstanding shots!
Thank you VB.:oops:
Outstanding and congrats!
Super shots there Aaron, :thumbright:
Thank you Wayne. I am getting a little better at it.:oops:
They're all nice shots Aaron.
I do like the pics of the Ford GT replica a lot. :)


Thank you Wheels.:oops: I think the GT-40 is the sexiest car EVER biult. Oh, and you should have been there to hear it when he left, SON, he laid the right pedal on the floor through second gear and those 180 degree headers were making some real sweet music.:lol:
Thank you Ontos.:oops: The hard part is containing my excitement.:lol: :lol: I have seen a couple of barns that I need to get some shots of, I just need to find the time to do it.:)
Yesterday evening I had a rarity in the back yard. A Woodcock showed up. I have not ever seen one of these before. they are a little odd looking. It spent about an hour and a half in one of the flower beds in the back yard. I got only one decent shot of it. I did the best I could with what it gave me.:oops:

IMG_8149 resized 25 legal.jpg
Bird shot is not easy as the target moves quickly though I'm often trying some too.
Nice shot, Aaron!
Thank you Shinpachi.:oops: She was sitting still actually. I would like to have gotten a shot of here digging in the flower bed but ever time I stuck my head out she would quit digging and sit down:rolleyes: so I took what she gave me.:lol:
Nice shot Aaron. If I can make a suggestion, it's better to put your name and a copyright symbol in a less obtrusive spot. I know you are trying to protect your work, but it really detracts from your subject.
Thank you Eric and I will take your advice but your are rite, I was trying to make it VERY difficult.:lol:
Nice shot Aaron!
Thank you Gnomey.:oops:
I know the feeling. I stand on concrete 10 hours a day or more so when I get the time I make myself go walking to get the circulation going and it gives me an excuse to take the camera. Most of the flowers and the moth were shot in my back yard.

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