Calling all Old Scouts Giudes Cubs and Brownies

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Yes I know Erich. Some one put a thread about that mob of Civil Liberterian Wankers or whatever they call themselves taking the Boy Scouts of America to Court and it went as far as the US Supreme Court. Bloody Political Correctness trying to butt in where its not wanted or warranted. Trying to tear down an Institution that devotes itself to youngsters enjoying themselves and forming friendships, It really annoys me Erich, I think the Supreme Court found in favour of the US Boy Scout Movement. Basically if I remember the Civil Libs were getting themselves worked up about the Scout Promise and something to do with Homosexuality being barred from the Scout Movement. But do these Cvil Libs bother to see that we have Scouts who are wheelchair bound. Whose only avenue to be and excepted as an individual as by the Scouting Movement. These Kids with all their emotional and physical problems seek and find support from the Scouting Movement. And these arsehole Civil Libs want to tear that all down.

And Erich my son has never been a Scout. But thats ok I was a Scout and as his father I have passed onto him as his father the idealism as of not only being a parent and father but I try to be an effective role model for him. I came across a lot of kids in my work in my Church as KUCA CHURCH LEADER (Kids Uniting Church Australia). Kids who were hurting. They didn't see their parents or were lost in the system or were trying to cope with their parents divorcing. I had a few one on ones with some kids. I hope I did some good mate. It helped me when I divorced my ex Wife and I had to apply the same with my own Kids. And if I was instrumental in bringing some kid to Jesus Christ (and I pray I was ) then I achieved something worthwhile for some one not just myself Erich
your on the monies Emac, good on ya bro. Scouts must continue, I've been through and seen the system work and it is beneficial, what will happen in the future is anyones guess
I was proud to be a Scout. Started in cubs, became a scout and left when I joined the Navy at 16.
When a scout I helped with the Cub Scout pack as an assistant leader. We lived within range of Gilwell Park which is the main scout camp in the UK and was fortunate to attend a Jamboree there.

I joined an American Scout troop for the Jamboree who were Navajo for three weeks and I travelled with them in the UK. It was a bit of an eye opener as they had little money or resources and the other American Scout units were almost over the top (one I recall even had table cloths!!).

I was invited back to the USA to stay with them but my parents couldn't afford the cost and its one of the big regrets in my life.
Great to read your comments, guys. I think these institutes (be they Scouts, Guides, Cadet Corps, or Territorials) are needed more than ever at the moment, as as far as I can see discipline, manners, self respect, and respect for others are severely lacking in the world. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that.
Emac44,I have only one story of the Boy Scouts. I joined the Scouts during 4th Grade at our church in Tucson, AZ (USA). I had a single Mom, who couldn't afford to buy me the Boy Scout Manual and the Scout Leader asked me to drop the Scouts. I did.Glad some of you enjoyed your time in the scouts. -Karl
I was part of Troop 888 out of Nesconset, New York....

Heres the names of the guys I was in with who made Eagle Scout...
Sal Ceraolo, 1976
Robert Goulet, 1976
Frank Nolan, 1976
Rick Sgandura, 1976
Joseph Esposito, 1979
Michael Kraus, 1980
John Henriques, 1981
Christopher J Esposito, 1982
Julio Henriques, 1983
Anthony Melomo, 1983
Anthony J. Ceraolo, 1984
Craig Ian Schwartz, 1985
Louis B. DeBenedittis, 1987
Michael Esposito, 1987
Marc P. Schwartz, 1987

Karl I can understand that and please don't think due to your home circumstances it makes a difference to me. It Doesn't mate. You had joined the Brotherhood. I think that ScoutMaster was wrong in asking you drop Scouts due to your mum not being abled to afford your Scout Manual, But that is my opinion. Even for a short time you had been a Scout and Carl that is the important thing. And I am probarly correct in saying there isn't one of us former Scouts who would se it any different mate. You are still a Brother. That is what the Scout Movement was and is all about. Excepting others in Scouting Brotherhood and Friendship.
Emac44, Thank you for the kind Words. I grew up, joined the army,got out, got married,worked full time, while going to college full time,got a BA,Masters and 21 hours of graduate credits of straight A's. I had four daughters,several were Brownnies or Girl Scouts. They enjoyed it. I never told them I was asked to drop the Scouts.I taught school for almost thirty years and was a Sunday School teacher. I too, hope I did some goodAgain, Thanks! -Karl

Way to go Karl. Good on you Mate. You got your kids into the Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) and made up for it. There you go mate well done. And you achieved your goals with sheer hard work and determination. So you are still a Brother in Scouts and not only that a Brother in Christ. Good on you Karl. That is why I oppose these Left Wing Radical Civil Liberty Groups opposing the Scouting Movement Karl. Scouting excepts all no matter where they come from and what circumstances they are from. These boofheaded Civ Libs need a good kick in the arse mate.

But what I am trying to say Karl. Is that even though you spent a short time in Scouts. You took with you through your life the neclus of a seed from Scouts. Applied it through your entire life and possibley you didn't realise it at the time . And in later life got your own Kids into Scouting. That is one of the ideals Baden Powell said of Scouts BE PREPARED. Your life will change and yours did Karl. Mate don't look at it as a Negative. You managed to turn it into a POSITIVE. Be proud of what you have done former Scout Karl Sitts. And now the Chritistian aspect of this Karl. It was God who placed you in Scouts for a short period of time. God knew you would take this experience with you through your entire life and how it would effect you in later in life. God Perpared like the Scout Motto Be Prepared changes in your life. Well done Karl. And that is how I am reading your testimony Karl of not only being a Scout but also a Chrisitan. You have turned your life and those around you into a POSITIVE. Please don't take this as an insult Karl. I am so happy for your Brother.
So was I Les. I taught Sunday School as well KUCA CHURCH Kids Uniting Church of Australia. If you got burning ears. Perhaps some vitamin E Cream might fix those lug pieces on the side of your head. How many gallons do you want mate
Don't make the mistake of putting the Vegemite behind your ears instead of the Vit E Les. We couldn't have the mice knibbling your earlobes now could we
I think that ScoutMaster was wrong in asking you drop Scouts due to your mum not being abled to afford your Scout Manual, But that is my opinion.

Totally agree, Emac; I know if Karl had been in a similar situation in my Troop, we would've bought the book for you. There are a lot of very giving people in our Troop who wouldn't hesitate to help out a needy Scout. Speaking as an Assistant Scoutmaster, it was totally wrong for that Scoutmaster to ask you to drop out; he should've been encouraging you to stay in, Scout book or no.
Well BEING a Scoutmaster for over 10 years I can guarantee you that Karls scoutmaster today would of been caught up short if not even removed from his position. How insane, we have purchased books, actually any textual materials for our guys time and time again, even the so-called required dues we have put those aside from time to time although we were trying to teach the kiddos responsibility with monies. ( I am making the comments fully understanding the ways of things done many years ago ).... I am really sorry Karl that you were not able to continue, but as said before by you, you indeed kept it up and followed through with your own children

and Les my Dad is a Baptist minister retired, is it time to bring on the Hell/Fire brimstone sermons due to your church allergies ? ..............

nah I wouldn't even do that to ya, keep the vit E handy though.

v/r E ~

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