Cat becomes ace over night

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Sep 19, 2006
On a cupboard in our living room I have several small models of ww-II fighters. Last night our cat jumped on the cupboard and "killed" 5 of them :cry:. What do you say, shall we declare her an ace?
what nationality were the fighters? If they were all Axis then she's an Ace in a Day 8)

However, if there were any Allied fighters amongst her kills, she should be subject to a disciplinary hearing pending a possible courts martial for reckless disregard.
Oh, a CATastrophe! Just feline her $50. The Mouse Police Never Sleeps!
Good chuckle Njaco.

Think you have a problem here Marcel, she's managed to knock off aircraft with no regard for nationality. You've got Soviet, American, German and British birds all biting the dust. Typical of a chick, not sense of propriety when destroying inanimate objects.

Just put some tape on her paws and call it even.
"This is Klaus Oberman (made up name) is there any other aircraft out there?"

"I read ya Klaus, this is Heinrich in my Ju-87, what are you in need of?"

"I got a cat on my six!"

"I'm heading over Klaus, hang on."

"Ahhhh!!! I can't shake him!!"

"Hang in there buddy!"

"My engines on fire!, I'm punching out!"

**JU-87 pilot spots 109 parachute and to his horror Klaus is swatted with a paw while in his parachute and plummets to earth.***

"Oh my g---------- "

Cat swats him

Allies story

**Mission over Germany**

See 109 and Stuka and go to investigate and the cat grabs a corsair and throws it at the Yak and Tempest
I notice she left her own kind alone - Catalina, Wildcat, Hellcat and Hurricat - to the wall with her...or give her intensive training in Mouse Recognition!
If of course the cat is a male cat then that means - its a (Gruman) Tomcat

Sorry - couldn't resist - surprised no one has already!!
That's an ace alright :lol:

Be careful that cat doesn't reach the level of 'Experten' some day Marcel!

Wouldn't want to find 300+ models lying around smashed after having been a short trip to the mall one day :p
Normally I'm a cat lover, but this calls for drastic action!
Ever considered making a bicycle saddle cover of the cat's fur?
It's easy, cheap and fast! ;)
Get a hammer, a solid nail, a razor blade and a big, sharp, pointy needle.
Nail the cattail onto something solid and sturdy, using hammer and nail.
Carve an X in its nose with the razor blade.
Poke the bugger in the a$$ with the needle, and ZOOM! Cat's outta the pelt.
Dry the pelt and use as a bicycle saddle cover. :lol:

Seriously though - can you salvage anything? :shock:
Du bist ein scheisskopf!!!


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