Catch's Warbird Vacation Photos

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Hello everyone! I just got back from a warbird vacation, so I thought I'd post the photos!

Saturday: Canadian Air Force Museum, CFB Trenton.
Notable Planes: Halifax, Hunter, MiG-21

Sunday: Canadian Aviation Museum, Ottawa, plus the air show that was at the museum.
Notable Planes: B-24, PBY, He 162, Beaufighter, Bolingbrooke
Airshow: Spitfire XVI, P-40
Canadian War Museum, Ottawa
Notable Exhibits: Panther

Monday: Vintage Wings of Canada, Gatineau
Notable Planes: FG-1D, P-51D, P-40, Spitfire XVI, Hurricane, Swordfish, Lysander

Tuesday: Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, Hamilton
Notable Planes: Lancaster, DC-3, Firefly, Sea Fury
Russell Aviation Group, Niagra Falls
Notable Planes: Bf-109E-4, Spitfire (IX?), Hurricane

I took almost 1000 pictures, which will be uploaded over time. I can't post any pictures I took at Russell until I get their permission, as they once had a volunteer who took pictures without their knowledge (which in itself isn't a big deal), but they then sold them in a book at 45 pounds a pop, and sold a few hundred, and gave RAG no credit or recognition at all, so he kind of ruined it for everyone. In fact, they weren't letting any pictures be taken for a while. So I don't know when I'll be allowed to post them, but when I am I will, as I got some really cool shots that you don't normally see.

I was going to do the Corsair first, but with the order they're uploading in, I'll do the Spitfire XVI.

I was only able to get cockpit shots of the Spitfire and Corsair at Vintage Wings, the Spit because of the door that opens on the side, and the Corsair because they brought out a ladder for me so I could see inside.
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The great thing about Vintage Wings is they had two rules: don't climb in and don't touch anything you're not supposed to. We were also the only ones getting a tour that day, and they just let us roam around and take all the pictures we wanted and just admire the planes. It really is a fantastic place, and should be the number 1 destination of anyone going to the Ottawa/Gatineau area!

Vintage Wings of Canada Spitfire XVI

Vintage Wings of Canada FG-1D

It's HUGE! My Dad and I were discussing it when we were looking at the Bf 109. The bottom of the canopy of the Corsair is in line with the top of the canopy of the 109. I'm 5'8" to give you perspective, if you've never seen one in person before.

Left to right: Gavin (Guide), Me, Derek (Restorer, Lysander. He did most of the work on the CWH Lysander as well.)
Thanks guys!

I tried to grab a lot of detail shots for us modelling guys, so I hope it comes in useful for somebody along the line. There's plenty more, which I'll continue to post as time goes on, they take a while to upload to photobucket.

I just noticed some of the Corsair photos are at odd angles, I edited them in PB, so they must not have saved.
Some of the photos transcend the casual "cool shot" from a museum or air show. They are valuable sources of documentation....

There should be a sticky thread fro specially chosen photos of significance.

The detail s are too good to be buried in a thread that will be lost!

Great job!

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