Christmas photo competition

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last day and last part; pics from Russia:


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Well gents, christmas day is here! and it's time to announce the winner! Last year there were two winners because i couldn't decide, and this year is no different! the first winner is a shot i fell in love with the first time i saw it. It is unmistakeably christmassy, fits the description of an aviation picture someone could've taken themselves (although obviously they didn't), and at a time of war it's nice to see it's still possable to have a laugh, and it works because of the air power on display behind, which i feel is highly symbolic of power, but alas, i'm proud to announce one of this year's winners...


The second winner is again very christmassey. The P-47 taking off in the background makes this shot, and gives the impression that whilst the others are tucking into christmas dinner, there're some that still have to be on duty, still have to put their lives on the line! so the second winner can only be.....


Taht's it for annother year, i've got next year's theme sorted so tune in next december 1st!
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