[COMPLETE]Server Maintenance - 05-11-09

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Zorn - I've read a few of your gibberish - straight up, I don't like you and your time here WILL be short if you don't straighten your silly @ss up. I'm telling you this once. I have no time or patience for big mouth wannabees who sport fake wings. I hope I have made myself abundantly clear.

And please don't PM me - you will definitely get banned.
Really, sys? You can't see the ads? Hmmm...

I have ads right after the first post on the page and another after the last post. We'll fix that for you right now.
I don't know whether to congratulate or commiserate...

On one hand it's a modern and stylish theme...
...but on the other it's a site about WW2 - which leads me into the idea of old yellowing documents, faded camouflage, and a generally muted feel...

But either way, good job on making it work! 8)
Hang with us, guys. Horse is still making the transition to the new server. Once the basic interoperability is complete and validated, we will then work on member preferences.

Bear with us...
Have no problem whatsoever with the new look or colour.... But, with all the talk about switching colour to somerthing that suits you.....HOW on earth do you do that!?
It is in the User CP section. As there is only one skin at the moment you can't change it, when multiple ones are available it should be seen. The problem then is the sigs with 'fake' transparencies geared towards one skin for someone using another - thus the need for slightly larger files to allow full transparencies (gif/png).
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