That is not what the data I posted stated, what is your source {not being a smart*ss, but I really want to know as I let facts and data drive my thinking].
But it hasnt, clearly.
You stated wuhan has under 1% and that puts it in the range of the FLU. You did.
People who dont get flu symptoms dont get tested, why would they? Only symptomatic people get tested for a well known sickness, otherwise you lack a reason to do so.
I'm pretty sure WHO, JAMA and NEJM are not playing anybody as a fool, they are making their comments based on the information they have on hand and based on past experiances.
Are you sure? The WHO is in CHINA'S POCKET, they have consistently and unabashedly PRAISED the country which started and covered up this whole mess, after all, its head is a communist from Ethiopia with old links to China...
"World Health Organization
(WHO) officials on Tuesday estimated that the global mortality rate for new coronavirus infections, known as COVID-19, is about 3.4%, which is higher than the 2% officials previously had reported.
WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the 3.4% mortality rate for COVID-19 is higher than the flu's global mortality rate. "Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected," he said. However, WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris said COVID-19's updated mortality rate is a "crudely calculated" snapshot based on the growing number of cases outside of China and is expected to "change over time, and vary from place to place."
Public health experts have warned that discrepancies in how different countries report individual cases and determine how contagious the new coronavirus is makes it hard to determine a precise global case count, and as a result, we don't yet have an accurate mortality rate. For instance, research published last week in JAMA suggests the mortality rate for the virus currently is around 2%, while a report published Friday in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) estimated the mortality rate is 1.4%.
According to an editorial published in NEJM by Anthony Fauci and Clifford Lane from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and CDC director Robert Redfield, the true death rate for the coronavirus could end up being below 1%, which would make it similar to the death rate seen in a severe flu season."
Is the new coronavirus deadlier than the flu?
That is the global average and that includes the dubious Chinese numbers and the good Korean ones AND ASYMPTOMATIC cases, you do understand that, right?
You live in the US, the US hasnt done crap regarding prevention or testing, basically you are following Italy's pattern... what makes you think the US is behaving anything like Korea in this case to pretend is going to reach Korea's numbers?
The real mortality rate is very likely to be low, that is a given, because the REAL number includes asymptomatic cases, and since those are the bulk the mortality rate is expected to be low.
BUT, since this is HIGHLY contagious to the point 60-70% of the population is expected to get it eventhough they WONT show symptoms, well...
US 330'000.000*65%=214'000.000 people infected
214'000.000*1.4%=3'000.000 dead
Now you can go back to being scared of Muslims and Mexicans.
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