On the plus side of things the bog roll supply here has bounced back and the limitation have been upped from 2 to 4 per house hold. Not worried about getting laid off anytime soon as I've been working 12 hour shifts, which will hopefully end soon, and it looks like we're going to be working 6 days a week. Being the little introverts we are, self isolation is almost a life style choice, OK we're not that bad, but honestly we've got enough things to keep us occupied so aren't feeling the social pinch, mind you we are not truly self isolated, so even though we are physically high risk, we are socially at a lower risk.
As I'm reading through all this I truly am counting my blessings and offer my best wishes and condolences to everyone who is suffering through this.
As I'm reading through all this I truly am counting my blessings and offer my best wishes and condolences to everyone who is suffering through this.