CORSAIR F4U-4; 1/48, Revell

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I take a moment to upload the progress ...

... slight details of weathering, ... in the case of the ejectors of spent cartridges, I imagine that it should be light by the use of shrapnel compared to an active aircraft.


This looks like SCARs rokets and drop tanks installed ...


They can observe a first stage in the marks of the exhaust pipes.
I almost did not see, but I made a stain with asphalt-colored oil paint, blurred with a dry brush, on it with the airbrush, applied a mixture of US sand with pale gray blue, very diluted ... to start giving the correct appearance ... (this I did before assembling the rockets and the tanks)


in this last photo leaves the author ( myself), I put a mirror to observe an NFL game (the tv is behind my back and I did not want to distract myself so much ... lol)

... and so let them rest one night ...


...To be continued :thumbup:
Looking really nice Luis :thumbleft:

I appreciate your comments John; You're right about the yellow, in the pictures it would look like a tape, but if it's translucent, ... maybe try with a 8000 or 12000 sandpaper try to make it more translucent. :-k My idea should be done with absolute care !! Do you think it's a good idea ?, do you have any other options? ... :shock:

Another option which would probably look better if you have the time and inclination would be to strip the yellow with alcohol (making sure it doesn't react with the acrylic first), re-mask to the correct width (as mentioned by Andy above), and spray with Tamiya X-24 Clear Yellow to achieve transparency (or X-24 cut with normal yellow to achieve a desired level of transparency). You could also cut the yellow with a bit of X-27 Clear Red if you want to go for that more orange sort of colour in the photos above or vary the spray pattern around the circle.
Gentlemen, I greet you again.

Thank you for your kind comment and suggestion Kirby.
Finishing everything with my two planes, I can make some choice to improve that yellow strip (it's just a matter of having enough time)
They are all very nice for your suggestions !! :salute::salute:

I share the detail of these exhaust pipes.

Again I made my selection of images to rely on them to work.


First I used siena toasted degraded with a dry brush and also helping me with a cotton swab. At the exit of the tubes I used natural shade and did the same procedure with brush and swabs. (I obviously used oil paints) I felt I would have better control and margin to correct mistakes, than using my airbrush and acrylic paints.

The result... :thumbright:


I'm going to leave it like this, to dry those oil paintings as well as possible. I have to put a layer of matt varnish on them, to cover and seal those exhaust. (tomorrow)

In the meantime I will work on the acrylic base (I already have an idea how to do it) and I will also test the antenna cables with a new 0.12 mm. which I recently bought at a fish and hunting store.
I'll try something different to lady's stockings yarns. :p

Time is short...

Saludos :thumbup:
Those comments and good wishes, are 100% inspiration and motivation, thank you very much to all of you. :notworthy:

This is the process I did to build the acrylic base which will hold the structure (clothing hook) where I will ride my training Corsair !!
From the same broken tray where I took the circle for the propeller, I removed the base ...


Actually the measurements were made with my famous "calculometer", but the time and care to do it, was with all my atention and I used several tools. :)


Without "so much talk ..." this is the process and the result (I think the photos explain it better than I do)




Finally, apply the cyanoacrylate method with sodium bicarbonate for a strong and reliable adhesion:


So I used for my first time the thin wire to fish, in the cables of the antennas ...


It's just a matter of adding the details at the ends, painting the wires with Chinese ink (I do not know if it has another name in English)

The next sequence, I believe it will be the last of this marvelous road, with my TEE completely finished, how it will be to display it and the box in which I will transport it to IPMS México 2017 (tomorrow Friday morning I take my aircrafts to the "Hotel del Prado", where the event will be this weekend)

If for the time I could not send this sequence tomorrow, I do it over the weekend.

Greetings to all. ...y Muchas Gracias!!
Thanks Kirby, I finished the plane, I forgot the pitot, so I painted it ... and I decided to do the yellow correction of the propeller !! As suggested by the experts.
With alcohol in a soft cloth I removed the yellow color and traced again in the millimeter sheet of Tamiya, the new measurement, thinning that strip and more proportional to the photos. It is drying now.
Later I make the final photos. I hope so...
Tomorrow at noon begins the odyssey ...
A hug.

Damn Luis that is looking really awesome !!!!!! So what is next ?
I'm not sure what the next will be; it makes me laugh to think that I wanted to rest from the Lib with a simple model and "without so much work" ... and look what happened, hahaha. By next Monday, I probably already have something more decided. Thank you compadre Brian. :occasion5:

Saludos :thumbup:

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