Crikey! 3 years!

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Didn't wanna highjack Terry's thread. But, just noticed that I'd been here 3 bl**dy years on the 21st this month!
Never ever regret that I joined this forum, have made a lot good of friends here, people that I'm d*mn proud to call friend...
Very much doubt that I've passed any visdom on, but on the other hand, I've picked a h*ll lot more of it here, thanks!
Being off for the rest of the week, I know....lazy git, wasn't planning to, but, I feel the need to go to the pub to celibrate in a grand style, to bad that you can't join in!

So, if you should feel a burning sensation in your throat, it's just the whisky OR vodka being used to toast you all, to your good health!

Hope that's alright with you Mr. C?

You're all the best guys and girls!

Didn't wanna highjack Terry's thread. But, just noticed that I'd been here 3 bl**dy years on the 21st this month!
You're all the best guys and girls!

(Is this the month for anniversaries or what? Oh, well...)
In the name of all other fellow members I thank you Jan. Your not bad yourself.
In my short time here I can only say that this place just wouldn't be same without you. So, here's to you, mate...
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Great times Lucky! Damn glad to have met you! Being a gear head myself, I miss the old 13 jalopy siggy you used to have.
Well lets see, I have two quarters and a few dimes, I can get a ride on this.....

Took 9 months from New York to South America/Africa...forget which ( engine issues )


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