Tech Sergeant
Three examples of how some folks take their customer service seriously and others ... well you be the judge.
Case 1: Eduard - Damaged PE
I had purchased a set of colored PE parts for one of my He 111 kits. The set had a miscast piece, a misregistered color overlay and one piece was totally missing. I contact Eduard on September 10th and on the 17th after a brief e-mail exchange, was told that Eduard would be sending a replacement set, free of charge no less. The replacement set arrived today (October 2).
Case 2: Hannants - Damaged Resin parts
I had ordered several resin cockpit sets and ejector sets made by Pavla for the He-162. One of the sets and one of the ejector seats arrived in terrible shape with broken resin bits all over the place. I contacted Hannants via e-mail who immediately offered to send replacements for them, at no charge. Total time from request to arrival of the replacements? A little over two weeks.
Case 3: Revell - Replacement canopy
When I opened my Revell Arado Ar240 C-02 kit, I found that the canopy was broken. As per the Revell USA website, all orders for replacement parts had to be submitted thru them, so I dutifully submitted an order for the damaged part on June 23rd. I received an acknowledge of the order in an email stating that Revell Germany would be sending replacements to Revell USA which would then forward the replacement parts. Further the email stated that replacements would take 8 to 10 weeks. It's now 100+ days later and counting and STILL no replacement part.
Didn't know exactly where to put this, but I figured this was as good a place as any. I just had to get that rant out of my system.
Case 1: Eduard - Damaged PE
I had purchased a set of colored PE parts for one of my He 111 kits. The set had a miscast piece, a misregistered color overlay and one piece was totally missing. I contact Eduard on September 10th and on the 17th after a brief e-mail exchange, was told that Eduard would be sending a replacement set, free of charge no less. The replacement set arrived today (October 2).
Case 2: Hannants - Damaged Resin parts
I had ordered several resin cockpit sets and ejector sets made by Pavla for the He-162. One of the sets and one of the ejector seats arrived in terrible shape with broken resin bits all over the place. I contacted Hannants via e-mail who immediately offered to send replacements for them, at no charge. Total time from request to arrival of the replacements? A little over two weeks.
Case 3: Revell - Replacement canopy
When I opened my Revell Arado Ar240 C-02 kit, I found that the canopy was broken. As per the Revell USA website, all orders for replacement parts had to be submitted thru them, so I dutifully submitted an order for the damaged part on June 23rd. I received an acknowledge of the order in an email stating that Revell Germany would be sending replacements to Revell USA which would then forward the replacement parts. Further the email stated that replacements would take 8 to 10 weeks. It's now 100+ days later and counting and STILL no replacement part.
Didn't know exactly where to put this, but I figured this was as good a place as any. I just had to get that rant out of my system.