Cyber Hobby (Dragon) Bf-110D-3 Start to finish.

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Oh, ok that is true, I could not decide the right way to do it and will take all comers for input, again. I am not the N0 1 through 1000 person to ask about German paint schemes I always thought they were a hard paint lines as with a brush, but it seems some of that is wrong. I cant tails if the planes came from the factory with a hard line or not and a lot of the pictures I see seem to depict such on the wings. But a lot look soft. I'll take the info and adjust . I know it is my model but if you just don't know, well You just don't know and wiser more knowledgeable folks teach. You want a Vietnam paint scheme I can do that. USAF WW II and Korean I can do that, get out side of that and I am a dummy.
Looking good so far. But, it's better to get all the decals on, and the final clear coat applied, before fitting any of the small, delicate parts. They will get knocked off, and/or get in the way when applying the decals.
You know your right, I was getting ahead of my self on that one and was thinking the same thing as I was cursing at it for not staying in place. I don't think it should be too hard to pull the boat tail cable and finish up. Still having a bit of an issue with the horizontal tail plane paint. I have diagrams for the scheme on the wings but not the tail plane. I could use some suggestions.
You sir are a true gentleman and a scholar and I promise not to let anyone know. Thank you so much I can get to pulling that boat cable and fixing the tail plane tonight and maybe a clear coat tomorrow and decals HERE WE COME, YIPPIE KIYA YAE. Oh sorry the Texan came out there didn't it. sorry I'll try and keep it down.
Looks like my replacement MG 17 gun barrels will be here today "RB model 48AB03 1/48 7.92mm German MG 17 Barrel" Hong Kong to Texas in 8 days. My but we have come a long way for Jules Vern around the world in 80 days.
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Well I as you have seen received my replacement barrels. I wanted to do all four guns but that is a problem for the completed mounts. The barrels on the kit are molded in to their locking clamps. I had to cut the barrel from the receiver and from the locking clamp. Then drill a hole through a very small piece of plastic to run the new barrel through. As it was already glued in, well it did not go so well. so I just sat the barrel on top of the mount. Still it is a better look and I think it adds to the look. I ordered a bunch for a B-17G to F conversion I am doing. No I won't leave it brass, just wanted to show it off. I repainted the horizontal tail per Andy's and Wuger's suggestions, Looks much better and Mucho Thanks guys for the help. If you see me make an error call it out, If you think you might have a better way, let me know.


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Shoot som Microscale Micro Gloss on it a let it set for a few hours. Ain't Acrylics fun, a few hours instead of a few days. The decals I picked out for it were way to brittle and I had to stiffen them up with some Mrcroscale Liquid Decal Film. Let it set for the 15 min + and then cutting and placing. Trying to the the wasp just right was the hardest part. I also got the upper wing insignia's too far out but it is too late to fix that. with out destroying the decals. Laied down some Solvast and let it dry.


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