D.C. TRIP PT.2: Arlington/Annapolis

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Dec 9, 2007
Revis Island.
to the men/women buried there...

When I was there I saw a little girl, probably 6 or so, dropping toys on a grave and I was walking by and she goes "here's my daddy."

The site was of a solider who had recently died in Iraq and was buried. She tried putting her Ipod on the grave but her mom said," Sweety daddy can't hear music anymore."



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When the church pictures show...that's annapolis


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What an adventure, B. I too have strolled through Arlington balling my eyes out. The changing of the guard is a lifetime memory. I actually had a peek into their dressing room under the stands where nobody else was. The day was abnormally hot 100F+ (90+ humidity) and they had an small access door open for air (apparently no air conditioning in the dress room) Their demeanor and composure was no different than what you saw on display. No banter. Just mission. Most impressive.

I left quickly for I felt that I was looking into a ritual of which I was not approved to witness.

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