Here's an update on Mila's condition, as published the other day...
Mutilated dog ready for surgery
Belgrade/1 June 2010/Source: Tanjug
The dog Mila is now in a good condition after a one-month treatment, and she is ready for preparations for a surgery to fit her with prosthetic limbs.
The one-year-old mixed breed was discovered in Belgrade in April with all four of her legs cut off in a shocking case of cruelty against animals. The perpetrator of the crime, persecuted as a criminal offense under Serbia's law, is still at large.
The dog, named Mila by her rescuers, has now recovered from pneumonia, which appeared as a result of the dog not being able to move. She also overcame a heart-attack which came as the result of the mutilation.
Constant changing of bandages on the legs allows the dog to walk slowly which has a very positive effect on her mood, and she put on 4.5 kilograms and now weighs 20 kilograms, the Belgrade Veterinary Institution, who have taken over her care, have announced.
According to the vets there, Mila is now ready for vaccination and other preparations which will make it possible to obtain necessary documents for a surgery abroad.
The fiinal decision about by where Mila will be operated on is yet to be made, and will rest with an expert committee of the Communal Affairs Secretariat.
The most serious option which has been considered so far is an operation at a specialized clinic in Germany. In the meantime help was offered by other foreign clinics and it is even considered to perform the surgery in Serbia which would spare Mila the additional stress of the trip.
The dog was brought to the Belgrade Veterinary Institution on April 26 after Belgrade Mayor Dragan Đilas had instructed the institution to take care of Mila.
The institution took over the dog when she was in a very serious condition since it was determined that beside the injuries to her legs she had also survived a heart attack and developed pneumonia.