**** DONE: 1/24 Cessna O-1E "Bird Dog" - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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Woweee Charles, she looks great as she is and I'd not be wanting to upset the applecart by trying to do new decals.

Wheel offer still stands if you get stuck Charles.
You guys are probably right.... I'll leave well enough alone. Thanks for the kind words.

Painted the wing struts, today. Was going to seal them with a couple of coats of clear dope, but dope burns the Model Master paints (makes it bubble), so just put Light Gray on them. Several coats should do. Will start filling in the rear of the wings (at the cockpit) later today. Just three pieces of balsa, covered with tissue and painted. Then comes the top section of the center of the wings. Pic's when I have something to show....

Edit... just finished painting the anti-glare panel Flat Black, and the prop tips Blue Angels Yellow. Also added the front and rear windshield braces, and finished off the leading and trailing edges of the wing, over the cockpit. Everything has been painted, and I can do no more til it dries. The pattern on the cutting board is for the windows, over the cockpit.



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Wise decision Charles and I've just got to say that this is turning into a great looking little machine.
Thanks, Matt (and the rest of you, too). Got the top windows and the rear windshield installed today. Have some minor repairs to make before I can put the front W/S in. I have to crack the right wing, at the fuselage. I know I set the dihedral at 4 inches from the table, but the right wing wound up at 3.5 when I checked it. Easy to fix.

Maybe this evening I can do the front W/S. (Yes, according to the clock on the VCR, it was 2:55 p.m.)



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