**** DONE: 1/32 Bf109F-4 - Winter War / Eastern Front WWII

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Thanks guys, not much to show...left my damn camera at work.....been working on the fuselage seams and a couple of other spots on the cowl that need fixing, i really wanted to have this together by friday but no lunch break today and won't get one friday either so will have to get it all together on the weekend now...
This kit is amazing I have seen a few reviews of it and it is amazing, hands over your magnificent wayne this will be awesome, this great cockpit that looks gorgeous
She is looking good Wayne and front glass is of interest making it just so different.And yea it got started about page 3 some nice highlights in the pit Sir
Thanks very much Guys....

Ok, bit done in the last few days, no time today at all...but upper cowl section and fuselage were done so got to work on getting rid of the cowl seam first shot shows the port side seam and the next few the disappearance of both cowl seams. Then i moved on to tidying up the upper fuselage seam and got the wings assembled and sanded down...


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nice job wayne

I have a problem with my plane, based on the connection of the antenna was circular and ceramic right ?, is that I could only see pictures of this base in the G models but I am not sure that they are also in this well . as I see yours brings separately, could you post a picture of the piece?
thanks wayne so to make it before the end of the plane, as I have to correct the antenna mast to support me in the same tension I have time before placing the cable.
Progressing nicely Wayne, but I figure time is not going to be on your side for a finish this month!

Unless something happens to rip time away Vic, I will get it done....paint will be happening real soon...wings and horizontal stabs are in place and some of the flaps are done too. Once the yellow ID markings are on the rest should go quickly...
Thanks fellas,

some of that progress...from days gone by...


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