**** DONE: 1/32 Bf109G-2 - Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII

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Very nice, Wayne. help me better understand what you mean by cutting out the instruments. I am very curious about that idea for a couple of 1/32 kits I have in the stack.
Very nice, Wayne. help me better understand what you mean by cutting out the instruments. I am very curious about that idea for a couple of 1/32 kits I have in the stack.

When I prepare the IP paint, drybrush and gloss the dials, I then cut out each dial and place them individually on the raised IP surface detail, this is a tricky process but done with care and ONLY a few at a time over a few hours or days provide a great panel face. I normally do 1 on each opposite side so I don't balls any up once all are settled and dry i apply a drop of gloss on each, you must be patient as one wrong move and you have a distorted dial that becomes very difficult to fix.

Couple of examples..Ki-84, Fw190, Bf109


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Cheers Andy.

moving forward, bit of extra work on the cockpit walls, and fuselage closed up and tail section fitted....


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