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I seem to recall something called "sanding sealer" that I used on raw balsa. It was as I recall basically clear lacquer with some talc added. The fine talc particles helped to fill the pores in the balsa. Took 3-4 coats, sanding lightly between coats. That stuff still around?
Good work there Paul.
Yes Mike, sanding sealer is still around, or make your own, just as you described - clear gloss varnish and talc. I use a similar mix as a filler for small indentations and gaps on plastic models.

"Aero Gloss" makes sanding sealer, gloss clear and flat clear dope and thinner for their products. Their thinner will NOT work on any other paint products !

L to R: Gloss Clear Dope, Thinner, Flat Clear Dope. They sell for $8.00 for a 3.5 ounce bottle.



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Thats the stuff!! Used to have to work outside or under an exhaust fan with the fumes. Especially when painting the rice paper the first couple of times with clear
Terry, never thought to try that on plastic. I usually just use multiple dabs of paint then sand flat
All looking good Paul and sanding between coats is a must as applying any form of liquid to wood makes the fibres expand and stand on end, so you have to cut them back.
Ah yes Paul, been a long time but I do remember all the fun, then again, depending on the kit I have spent many hours filling and sanding gaps/mismatched joints, etc. on plastic models
Nice work so far Paul. I also got one of these Balsa things from Charles that I'll attempt to build.

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